1713 BCE
Origin of Judaism
Abraham makes the first covenant with God and Judaism gains it's foundation. -
1440 BCE
Exodus From Egypt
The Jews leave Egyptian slavery to return to their promised land. They were lead by Moses. -
960 BCE
Solomon's Temple Completed
King Soloman completes the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem. -
931 BCE
Kingdoms Split
Following King Solomon's death, Jersusalem splits into two kingdoms-- the Kingdom of Isreal and the Kingdom of Judah -
597 BCE
Babylonian Exile
First Babylonian exile of the Jews, who became captive in Babylonia. -
516 BCE
Second Jewish Temple
After their return and they first Temple was destroyed by Babylonians, the Jews finsished a second temple in Jerusalem. -
167 BCE
Birth of Hanukkah
The Jewish holiday, Hanukkah is created after a revolt victory against Roman Hellenists.