
  • 1813 BCE

    Abraham is born

    Abraham is born around 1813 BCE. According to the first five books of the Bible, God chooses Abraham to be the father of Isaac, the founder of the Jewish people.
  • 1713 BCE

    Abraham forms the first covenant with God

    Around 1713 BCE, Abraham circumcises himself, and this act symbolizes the covenant between God and all his descendants.
  • 970 BCE

    King Solomon constructs the First Temple

    King Solomon of Israel builds his crowning achievement, the First Temple, on Mount Moriah around 970 BCE.
  • 920 BCE

    Israel splits in two

    When King Solomon dies around 920 BCE, northern tribes revolt, and the land of the Hebrews splits into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the north, and the kingdom of Judah in the south.
  • 722 BCE

    The Assyrians conquer Israel

    Around 722 BCE, the Assyrians conquer the kingdom of Israel and force the ten tribes to resettle in other parts of the empire, according to Assyrian custom.
  • 164 BCE

    The Maccabees regain Jerusalem and purify the temple

    Alexander the Great's successors launch a campaign of Hellenization in Israel, and they erect a statue of Zeus in the second Temple of Jerusalem and outlaw Jewish observances.
  • 66

    Jews revolt against Roman rule

    In 66 CE the Jews launch the Great Revolt against their Roman rulers, which becomes one of the great tragedies of the Jewish tradition.
  • 200

    The Mishna is compiled and codified

    Because of these tragedies, Jewish academics focus on compiling and codifying the teachings of the Rabbis. Around 200, the Mishna, or a collection of rabbinic teachings, sayings, and interpretations, is compiled.
  • Mar 20, 1096

    European massacre Jews in First Crusade

    After enjoying a golden age in European cities, the Jews' fortune reverses. In 1096 members of the First Crusade, which attempts to purge Christian landmarks of heathens, massacre Jewish citizens of European cities.
  • Sep 13, 1280

    Moses leads the Jews

    For several hundred years, the Jews are enslaved in Egypt. Moses, a Jewish man raised as an Egyptian prince, is appointed God's prophet. Around 1280 BCE he leads his people out of enslavement on a journey to Canaan.
  • Rabbi Yisrael Baal ShemTov is born

    In 1698 Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov is born, and he goes on to found Hasidism, perhaps the single most important religious movement in Jewish history.
  • Abraham Geiger promotes Judaism in Europe

    Reform Judaism begins to emerge in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as a response to the major social and political changes happening in Europe. In 1839 Abraham Geiger joins a Jewish community and eventually becomes one of Judaism's most staunch defenders.
  • The Nuremberg Law

    Germany enacts the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935, the first of many anti-Jewish statutes aiming to rescind Jewish rights.
  • The state of Israel is created

    Partially in response to the tragedies of the Holocaust, the state of Israel is created on May 14, 1948, when the United Nations partitions land between the Jews and the Arabs.