Mayflower ii

Journey on the Mayflower

  • The two-month trip begins!

    The two-month trip begins!
    September 6, 1620, the Mayflower leaves England for Virgina, North America. The two month trip, was not an easy one.
  • Period: to

    The Mayflower Voyage

  • The Child Born Aboard the Mayflower

    Elizabeth Hopkins gave birth to a son while on the Mayflower. She names the son Oceanus after the sea.
  • The Mayflower encounters a violent storm

    The Mayflower encounters a violent storm
    Violent autumn storms blows the ship off course, causing much damage. The ship is now far away from North Virginia, where it entended to settle.
  • First Landing

    First Landing
    The first landing is made at Cape Cod, MA, after 65 days at sea.
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    The Pilgrims Sign the Mayflower Compact. This document was the first document of the Plymouth Colony.
  • The Gorvernor

    The Gorvernor
    John Carver is chosen as the first governor