1st Natonal Thanksgiving
Baptist Missionary Society is founded in London
France declares war on Britain
Freedom of worship established in France
First Independence day celebration
New York abolishes slavery
Period: to
Lewis and Clark expidition
Jews denied citizenship
American Bible Society Formed
Jews banned from synagogus
Charles Finney commisioned as a missionary
Mormon Curch Founded
Lords day observation is founded by William Wilberforce
Greece becomes and independent republic
Period: to
The Texas Revolution
Period: to
missionarys are sent to China
YMCA forms
Peace between England and Russia
Period: to
Civil war
Battle of Salem Church, Virgina
John Nelson translates the bible
Cuba revolts against Spain
British red cross forms
Telephone invented
Fundamentalist movement begins
Bible Institute Colportage Association is founded by D. L. Moody
Spanish-American War
Pentacostal movement begins
Great San Fransisco Earthquake
Titanic hits iceberg
Panama Canal Completed