Josh age 17
becomes unsure about his sexual orientation. He is confused on his identity and his parents guide him to being straight. In Erikson’s fifth stage, Identity versus Role Confusion,the crises is finding one’s identity, trying on different “hats” to figure out who they are (identity). If the adolescent is unable to find themselves or is guided in the wrong direction it can cause role confusion. -
Josh age 34
has had a series of unsuccessful relationships with women to include a divorce.In Erickson’s sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation,the crises is having never finding one’s self leads to failed relationships (isolation), whereas, if the individual does have success in self-identity, they can maintain a successful relationship (intimacy). -
Josh age 68
sits and reflects on his life thus far and has a sense of failure overwhelm him. He has many regrets in life, that stem back to his path his parents guided him to. In Erickson’s eighth stage, Integrity versus Despair, the crises is whether or not a person feels a satisfaction and proud of their life (Integrity) or a sense of failure (Despair) when looking back on their life.