Title image stallman

Josh Daniels ESOC 210 Timeline

  • When Richard Stallman is born

    When Richard Stallman is born
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    Richard Stallman is a Freshman at Harvard on this day!
  • Starts at MIT

    Starts at MIT
    Becomes a Programmer at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
  • Graduation from Harvard

    Earning a BA in Physics. He then enrolled at MIT as a graduate student, then abandoned his pursuit of a graduate degree while remaining a programmer at the MIT AI Laboratory.
  • This is when he started working as the MIT Research Assistant

    This is when he started working as the MIT Research Assistant
  • Published the Dependency Directed Backtracking

    this was a document that deals with artificial intelligence maintenance systems.
    Here is a little more detail on what it was about -- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0004370277900297
  • Stallman's GNU operating system announced

    Stallman's GNU operating system announced
    This was something that was aired through USSENET and mailing from ARPANET
  • The 'Free Software Foundation' was founded by him

    The 'Free Software Foundation' was founded by him
    Non profit organization, universal freedom to study, distribute, create, and modify computer software. https://www.fsf.org/
  • League for Programming Freedom

    League for Programming Freedom
    Stallman was a Co-founder for this group. The goal is to unite free software developers as well as developers of software to fight against software patents and the extension of the length of copyright. It is an idea of liberty
    I posted their logo as the picture, i also put their website, which is just a section on the fsf software foundation website.
  • Honorary Doctorate from Royal Institute of tech in Sweden

    Honorary Doctorate from Royal Institute of tech in Sweden
  • GNUpedia

    this is a free online encyclopedia which made it so the public can make contributions. This was what became Wikipedia
  • University of Glasgow

    University of Glasgow
    Honorary Doctorate from this school, very prestigious for international students
    Also abroad programs nowadays.
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    Honorary Doctorate received
  • Support for International Music Score Library Project

    Stallman helped and supported them and after they were taken down in October, 2007 he assisted them with their cease and desist letter.
  • Costume as St. Ignucius

    Costume as St. Ignucius
    Monasir, Tunisia
    He places a great importance on the labels people use to talk about the world. Intellectual property, avoidingterms that are related to copyright or theft.
  • ACM Software System Award

    ACM Software System Award
    Stallman got it for the development and leadership of GCC
    The organization stated, "for developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both" (AGM) Association for Computing Machinery. This was huge
  • Social Medicine award, from GNU Solidario

    Social Medicine award, from GNU Solidario
    This is Stallman's most recent accomplishment This company started in Argentina interestingly enough.
    They promote the use of Free Software in the areas of public health, this is what they awarded Stallman for, his concern for public health and how we can use technology to improve it.