Joseph Stalin's Rise to Power

  • He reads Karl Marx in School

    Joseph Stalin secretly reads the communist manifesto while studying Theology in school. This influences him a lot.
  • Stalin is expelled from school

    Stalin is expelled for missing his exams but he later says it was because of Marxist propaganda.
  • Stalin Joins the Bolshevik Party

    Stalin becomes an underground political agitator and adopts the name Koba after a Georgian Hero. He then joins Lenin in the Bolshevik Party.
  • Period: to

    Stalin Commits heist and is arrested

    Stalin during this time commits many robberies and gets sent to Siberia a couple of times
  • Stalin is appointed to serve on the first central committee

    Lenin is exiled to Siberia and then appoints Stalin to the First Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party.
  • The Bolsheviks Take control of the Government

    The Bolshevik Party seizes control over the city of Petrograd.
  • Period: to

    Stalin Becomes Political Commisar

    Stalin becomes the political commissar sent to the Bolshevik Generals to test their loyalty and then is given military command and is very brutal.
  • Stalin Becomes the General Secretary

    Stalin is appointed as the general secretary of the Bolshevik party and only employed people loyal to him.
  • Soviet Union is founded

    Lenin is the First leader of the Soviet Union in 1922
  • Period: to

    Stalin Consolidates his Power and succeeds Lenin

    After Lenin dies Stalin uses the power he gained from the General Secretary position and the following he gained to cut off political opponents and then become the only leader.