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Joseph Stalin

By jjm15
  • Birth of Joseph V. Stalin

    Birth of Joseph V. Stalin
    Joseph Stalin, or Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was born in Gori, Georgia. His parents were Ketevan Geladze (mother) and Besarion Jughashvili (father).
  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin

  • Stalin gets Arrested at the Age of 24

    Stalin gets Arrested at the Age of 24
    Joseph Stalin was arrested for being involved in a strike in an Oil Refinery in Batum. He was sent to Kutaisi Prison. He then picked up the name of "Stalin", which translates to Man of Steel. He believed this name suited him perfectly.
  • The Russian Revolution Begins

    The Russian Revolution Begins
    Vlamidir Lenin and his followers, including Stalin, begin the Russian Revolution and over run the Tsar Autocracy, which led to the forming of the Provisional Government.
  • Lenin rebukes Stalin for supporting the Provisional Government

    Lenin rebukes Stalin for supporting the Provisional Government
    Lenin returns from a trip and disagrees with Stalin because he supports Russia's provisional government. This rooted some tension between Stalin and Lenin.
  • Civil War breaks out in Russia

    Civil War breaks out in Russia
    A civil war breaks out in Russia, so Trotsky organizes the Red Army. Stalin commands the troops and starts his reputation for being a leader.
  • The USSR is officially founded

    The USSR is officially founded
    The USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, is formed. Stalin was then elected General Secretary of the Communist Party.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    After suffering multiple strokes and slowly loosing his abilities, Lenin passes away in Gorki, Russia in 1924. This death empowers Stalin to take up the leadership role in Russia's Communist Party, which makes this a crucially important event in the forming of Soviet Russia.
  • Stalin publicly attacks Trotsky

    Stalin publicly attacks Trotsky
    Stalin now realizing he has the opputunity to have complete power over the Communist Party, he takes out the only person that is standing in the way of his goal (Trotsky). He accsues him of being unloyal to '"Leninism" and having evil ways. Stalin then banishes Trotsky to a Soviet base in Central Asia.
  • Trotsky is executed

    Trotsky is executed
    Stalin accuses Trotsky of treason and sends orders to a Spanish Communist to execute him in Mexico, where Trotsky finally got deported to.
  • The Battle of Berlin Begins

    The Battle of Berlin Begins
    After months and months of disagreements, Russia and Germany go to battle. Stalin leads the Red Army through this gruesome and bloody war.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    After Russia attacks Germany and completely destroys Berlin causing more than 600,000 casualties, Hitler is rebuked and hated by his whole nation. He then pays the ultimate price and commits suicide.
  • The Red Army Defeats Germany

    The Red Army Defeats Germany
    After 1 month of battle, Russia defeats Germany under Stalin. Although Russia had over 300,000 casualties, this very important victory reassured Russia that Stalin was their leader. This also showed all of the countries in Europe what Russia was capable of.
  • Russia Takes Control of All of Eastern Europe

    Russia Takes Control of All of Eastern Europe
    After battle, Russia seizes control of all of Eastern Europe. They then set up the Berlin blockade. This action expanded Stalin's power and set convdence in Russia that Stalin was their so called "Supreme Comrade"
  • Russia Detonates its First Atomic Bomb

    Russia Detonates its First Atomic Bomb
    Stalin leads the country to its first atomic bomb. They set up a test site and monitored the whole explosion. They named the bomb "First Lightning". This was a milestone in all of Russia's history which urged other countries to improve their weaponry.
  • The Death of Stalin

    The Death of Stalin
    After almost two decades of leading in the Soviet Union, Stalin dies of a brain hemmorhage. After his death, the Soviet Union began the "de-Stalinization" process.
  • Nikita Khruschev takes Office

    Nikita Khruschev takes Office
    Nikita Khruschev, who coexisted with Stalin and was taught by him, takes office and becomes the leader of the USSR. Although this wasn't a major event, this was the iniciating event of Stalin's legacy.