
Jordan's SMART Goal

  • Create Plan

    Create a plan to save up $250 for a new Wilson A200 baseball Glove
  • Period: to

    New Baseball Glove

  • SMART Goal

    SMART Goal
    I want to save up $250 to be able to buy a Wilson A2000 baseball glove. I will save 62 dollars and 50 cents every 23 days from the 250 dollars that I recieve from my parents every month. My goal will be reached by the 4th of May.
  • 1/4 Of Money Saved

    1/4 Of Money Saved
  • 1/2 Of Money Saved

    1/2 Of Money Saved
  • 3/4 Of Money Saved

    3/4 Of Money Saved
  • All Of Money Saved

    All Of Money Saved
  • Purchasing The Glove

    Purchasing The Glove
    On this day I will go into Sports Page and purchase my Wilson A2000 baseball glove