the first air jordan
the first air Jordan was the Jordan one it was made by peter Moore in 1984. The shoes went on sale for $65 just to banned from the NBA for not meeting the stringent policy on the uniforms and color. Jordan wore them anyway and got charged five-thousand-dollars a game. It was the only shoe to feature the swoosh logo, predate the jump-man logo, and the wings logo -
air jordan 2
designed by bruce kilgore this shoe was know to be one of the first luxury basketball shoes -
air jordan 3
tinker Hatfield created this shoe in 1988 selling for $100 they considered this as a 21st century design while mj averaged 35 points a game the shoe did not get retrod until 1994 -
air jordan 4
also created by tinker hatfield retrod ten years later this is the shoe that the shot was made in -
jordan 5
tinker hatfield also made these they came out for $125 released 1990 made after a 51 mustang fighter with lace locks -
jordan 6
made in 1991 for $125 average 31.5 points a game -
jordan 7
1992 $125