jones civil war time line

  • Missouri compromize

    Missouri compromize
    Divided slave states and not slave states. Main becomes a free state and missouri becomes slave state. Spilit the lousinana pershas in to 30, 36. North not slaves south slave. This caused more of a divition in the country.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Califorina became a state. 15 slave states 15 non slave states. Fights fudgitive slave act. Bands slave trate in washington D.C. settled barder dispute between Texas and New Mexico. Creates utah and New mexico with popular sovereighty
  • uncle toms cabien

    uncle toms cabien
    this story was written in a chrristanin perspective way, this book was very powerful to people. peoples reactions to this book were crazy both from the south and the north.
  • Kansas-nebraska act

    Nebraska applied to become a state . accordidng the missoui compromise nebraska should be a free states beacuse it lies above 36`30` latitude. The southerners did not want to add another free state to the union
  • A beaten ikn the chamber

    A beaten ikn the chamber
    on this date congressmen present brooks , walked int the senates champer and beat sumner more than 30 time. with a gold headed can. after this happened the north was angrey and the south was a faver of what he did, and they passed brooks.
  • dred scott .VS. sandford

    dred scott .VS. sandford
    dred scott was a slave by this guy named john emerson. Scott and Emerson spent severl years in free territory before returningg to missouri. Emerson died , mkissouri and dred scott sued for his freedom.
  • freeport

    There were 20,000 people at the debate that day. Douglas discussed that he thought that people of any territory could exclude slavey b efore becoming a state. Lincoln dissused that he didnt favor for the fugitive slave law. this debate brought national attention to the issue of slavery, this helped cause the was
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    the candidates of this election were lincoln, douglas, breckinridge, and bell. the democratic party split along the issue of slavery. the other half of the party wanted the right of slavey guaranted in the territores. This elction was sigifigant to the wsar beause lincoln won and he stoped slavery
  • south carolina secedded

    south carolina secedded
    south carolina was the firt state to secede and did so. by late febuary 1861 other southern states had also seceded. this was signifagent beacuse they said that they didnt wanna be about of it anymore

    sumters construction began on 1829 and was still not done by 1861. the was of the fort are 40 feet high , 8 to 12 feet thick and it was designed to mount 146 big guns.It was important cause it was the start of the war.