Jonathans P.7 Religion Quiz

  • 3000 BCE


    3.The Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda
    4. Aum
  • 3000 BCE


    1. Ganges river, and Mandir temple 1a. Then bathe in the Ganges river to forgive the sins
    2. They are polythestic, believe in karma, Bhakt Gnan, yoga, kriya, and recarnation
    3. Festival of colors
    4. Partition of India 4a. The Partition of India was were the Hindus and the Muslims fought for a part of land and more power and eventually switch the side they lived on.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 1

    Judaism Part 1
    1. Israel and the US
    2. 0.2%
    3. Torah
    4. Star of David
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2

    Judaism Part 2
    1. Western Wall, Dome of the Rock 1A. The Western wall is the remains of where there used to be a holy temple.
    2. They believe in one god, the Torah, and the 10 commandments.
    3. Hanika, Yom Kipper 4.WW2 is were the Nazi leader Hitler wipeout a lot of the Jewish population, eventually the Jews ended up in Israel.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 1

    Buddhism Part 1
    1. South Asia
    2. 7%
    3. Triptaka
    4. Dhamachkra
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2

    Buddhism Part 2
    1. Shrines, Buddhist Temple 1A. Buddhist Temple is where Buddhist ashes are.
    2. They believe in the 4 noble truths, suffering in life, and meditation.
    3. Holidays are Pesak- Buddhist birthday
    4. Rohinya 4A. The Buddhist ran from the Burmese (a muslim military) in Northern Myanmar 24,000 Buddhist died.
  • 30

    Christianity Part 2

    Christianity Part 2
    1. Vatican city, and Jerusalem are holy cities. 1A. Jerusalem is where Jesus was raised and Vatican city is where the pope lives.
    2. They believe in Jesus the son of god, the holy spirit, and that god made the world.
    3. They celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Ash Wednesday.
    4. Crusades 4A. The Christians and the Muslims were fighting over the holy land and the Christians lost but they won 3 crusades.
  • 30


    1. North America
    2. 32%
    3. Holy Bible
    4. Cross/crucifix
  • 620

    Islam Part 1

    Islam Part 1
    1. In Mecca were Muhamad was born and in North Africa and West Asia also has a lot of the population.
    2. 23%
    3. The holy book is the Qur'an.
    4. The name of their symbol is the Cresent and the Star.
  • 620

    Islam Part 2

    Islam Part 2
    1.Masjid al-Haram, Mecca
    1A. Mecca is were Muhamid was born.
    2. They belive in the 10 codmandment, Quarn, 5 pillars of Islam, and Angles.
    3. Ramidan is when they fast, Ui-Fitir
    4. Crusades
    4A. The Islams won the holy land and won 5 crusades against the Christains