Internet speed

Jonathan's Internet Timeline

  • The Beginning of the Internet

    The Beginning of the Internet
    In 1962, a MIT computer scientist J.C.R Licklider comes brings the beginning idea of global computer network. He shared his work and ideas with the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). This is where we see the beginning part of how the internet was first introduced. When looking at how it has started the changes that it will face in the future revolutionize it to become easier to use.
  • Pushing more on the Internet

    Pushing more on the Internet
    In 1973, two individuals named Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf worked together to develop a protocol for linking multiple networks together. This would allow more data to be transfer over the network. This was also the time where Unix was first introduced. Which is still used to this day. Unix is not the same as Linux but both share some similarities. Also Ted Nelson proposed using a hypertext to organize network information.
  • First introduction to Emails

    First introduction to Emails
    In the 1980s the first system that implemented emails was first introduced. Dave Farber was the first to create a inexpensive network using dial-up phone lines. This was also the time where Local Area Networks (LAN) was first introduced as well. In 1985, the first domain is registered called "", a domain belonging to a computer manufacture.
  • Beginning of the World Wide Web

    Beginning of the World Wide Web
    In 1990, ARPANET is decommissioned and Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues pushed for the beginning of system that is heavily used and evolving. At CERN Tim and his colleagues develop a hypertext markup language (HTML) and uniform resource locator (URL) giving life to the first steps into the World Wide Web. Only a year later the internet comes to life in 1995. With its creation many websites that are used to this day were born such as: Amazon, Yahoo, and ebay all started.
  • 2000s to the Present

    2000s to the Present
    In 2000 the rise and burst of the dotcom bubble. This is where Google's birthplace began and the rise of wireless internet communication. From 2000 to now the internet has change over and continues to as years go on. This is where more websites were coming into the light. As time comes closer to the present the change in how websites look and act change dramatically and the internet becomes more available to everyone instead of being in limited use.
  • Sources used in this timeline