Thales - 600 BC
First scientest. Believed everything was made of water. -
Democritus - 400 BC
Discovered the atmoic theory -
Aristotle - 400 BC
Over powered Democritus with new atomic theory -
Sir Isaac Newton - 1670
Discovered gravity, laws of motion, and light spectrum -
John Dalton - 1807
Created Atomic Theory of Matter -
Antoine Henri Becquerel - 1896
Discovered radioactivity and that atoms can be changed -
JJ Thomas - 1897
Discovered the electron. Cathode ray tube experiment -
Millikan - 1909
Determined charge and mass of electron -
Rutheford - 1911
Gold foil experiment. Discovered nucleus -
Niels Boh - 1913
Discovered electrons rotate on lines -
Francis Asten - 1919
Discovered isotopes -
Erwin Schrodinger
Created Schrodinger's Model predicts odds of electron being there -
James Chadwick - 1932
Prooved nuetrons existance