Max ernst
he was born in Germany his dad loves to paint so he wood to and was very good at it and became famous -
Jew's required to wear yellow star of David
Germany invaded and occupied Poland
Nazis invade Poland
Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.
jews are put into concentration camps
Germany invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway
Germans enter Paris.
Battle of Britain begins.
Roosevelt re-elected as U.S. president.
Germany attacks the Soviet Union
Japanese American Internment
their plan to kill all European jews
Jews who would die in Holocaust
Tim shearer born
Hitler taks over Hungary
Anne Frank
she was being chased by germans and their was a secret hiding place it was a bookshelf that no one nose about but her family so all the people hid in their -
Hitler was defeated in ww2
D day v E day v
V E day
Victory in Europe Day. -
V-J Day
Victory in Japan Day. -
An International Military tribunal is created
the united Nations establishes A jewish homeland
Bette shearer
Brown vs. the Board of Education
the Vietnam war