Johaun and colin

  • Sputnik

    This was a satellite launched by the Soviet Union. This was the world's first artificial satellite. It wasn't that big of a stellite, it was about the size of a beach ball. It weighed 183 pounds and it took 98 minutes to orbit the Earth. The launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. This event happened during the space race. Link text
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    The Apollo 11 had a goal set by President John F Kennedy to be the first country to land on the moon the members of the crew were Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr Michael Collins. the apollo aircraft launched at 9:32 in the morning July 16 and landed July 24 at 12:50 pm. they were in orbit for a total of 8 days and three hours and were a total of 953,054 miles away from earth
  • apollo moon rover(

    apollo moon rover(
    The Lunar Roving Vehicle was an electric vehicle designed to operate in the low-gravity vacuum of the Moon and to be capable of moving around the lunar surface, allowing the Apollo astronauts to extend the range of their exploration of the moon Three LRVs were driven on the Moon, one on Apollo 15 by astronauts David Scott and Jim win, one on Apollo 16 by JohnYoung and Charles Duke, and one on Apollo 17 by Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt. each lunar vehicle was used to traverse the moon surface
  • Challenger

    This was the second-ever space shuttle to reach space. This shuttle has had much success but on its 10th launch, the tables turned. 73 seconds into lift off the aircraft exploded. This was a tragedy, the whole country was watching. As much success the aircraft had, it failed. The reason it failed was that the conditions that day were too cold. Causing failure in the craft. Everyone onboard the craft died. This event changed NASA forever.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    This was the first optical telescope. This was a huge advancement in the telescope since Galileo. It was about 43.5 feet long and 14 in diameter. It weighs about 24,000 pounds and is shaped like a long cylinder. It has contributed a lot by making 1.3 million observations about space. It has been 13.4 billion light-years from Earth and travels at 17,000 mph. This has been a very important telescope. Link text
  • space x (founding

    space x (founding
    space x is an aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company that was founded by Elon Musk. he created space x hoping of revolutionizing the aerospace industry and making affordable spaceflight a reality. Elon created the company with a goal eventually colonizing on mars.
  • Mars Rovers(Opportunity)

    Mars Rovers(Opportunity)
    Over the past years, Nasa has sent robotic vehicles to plants in space. These vehicles are called rovers and they explore the surface of Earth. 4 of these rovers have been sent to Planets the Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, and Curiosity. But this is more based on the Opportunity. The Opportunity was the first rover ever launched. It was launched on the planet Mars. It was only supposed to last 90 martian days and go 1,100 yards. But it exceeded this expectation. It went farther.