Johnny Tremain

  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    John Hancock came in and asked for a sugar basin and Johnny offered to make him one
  • Johnnys accident

    Johnnys accident
    Johnny is working on the sugar basin and he spills silver on his hand and they can't fix it. He can no longer be a silversmith.
  • Johnny get kicked out

    Johnny is told he needs to find a new job and a new place to stay because he is taking up too much room
  • new job

    Johnny finds a new job and new place to stay
  • trial

    Mr.Lyte accuses Johnny of stealing the lyte family silver cup that Johnny got from his Mom and Johnny is eventually found not guilty
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party starts
  • spying

    Johnny starts spying on the British
  • Dove

    Dove gets fired by Mr.Tweedie
  • Mr.Otis

    Mr. Otis gives a speech called "A man can stand up"
  • pumpkin

    Pumpkin helps Johnny escape the british
  • British troops

    British troops
    Johnny hears that the british troops are headed to Boston
  • Rab and Johnny

    Johnny refuses to say goodbye to Rab as Rab leaves for Lexington
  • revolution

    The revolution starts in Lexington
  • Visit

    Johnny comes and visits Rab and finds that he is close to dieing
  • Doctor Warren

    Doctor Warren
    Doctor Warren offers to operate on Johnny's hand that had silver spilt on it but he can't guarantee it will be the same as before