John Wilkes Booth

  • Lincolns Inauguration

    Lincoln became president on this day.
  • Booth Planned to kidnap Lincoln

    He and his henchmen would ambush Lincolns carriage and take him hostage.
  • Richmond fell to the Union.

    Richmond Virginia was captured by the union.
  • General Lee Surrendered

    The Confederate General Lee surrendered to union.
  • Lincolns Speech

    Many citizens listened to Lincolns speech from the executive mansion.
  • Grand Illumination

    Many lanterns and candles were put in windows to show the victory of the war.
  • Lincoln was killed

    Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth.
  • The Seward Family was attacked

    Powell was going to attack secretary Seward. He attacked many people in the house and he thought killed Seward but he did not.