Abraham Darby
Abraham Darby played an important role in the Industrial Revolution. He developed a method to produce pig iron fueled by coke and not charcoal. This was one of the major steps in calling iron a raw material. -
John Kay
John Kay invented the flying shuttle that contributed to the Industrial Revolution. The invention allowed a weaver to weave much wider fabrics. -
John Roebuck
John Roebuck manufactured iron. He established an ironworks at Carron in Stirlingshire. John converted cast iron into malleable iron by burning coke deprived by bituminous coal. -
James Watt
James Watt invented the first ever steam engine. It was a form of pump used to remove water from mines.Watt then produced more efficient steam engines. -
Henry Cort
Henry Cort began refining iron from pig iron to wrought iron using production systems. He replaced the process of hammering through the invention of the puddling process. The puddling process made high grade bar iron. -
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. A cotton gin is a machine that quickly separates cotton fibers from their seeds, allowing a lot more productivity. -
Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Volta was a chemist, physicist, and pioneer. He invented the electric battery. It was also known as the voltaic pile. It was made up of piles of copper and zinc disks piled on top of each other. -
David Ricardo
David Ricardo was an economist who was known for his Iron Law of Wages. The law asserts that real wages always tend toward the minimum wage necessary to sustain the life of the worker. -
Robert Owen
Robert Owen was one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He also set up a large mill in Scotland. Lastly, he manufactured cloth. -
George Stephenson
George Stephenson was an English civil and mechanical engineer. He invented the steam locomotive. The locomotive was used to haul coal to the Killingworth mine. -
Karl Marx
Karl Mark published The Communist Manifesto. He was a philosopher and a revolutionary socialist. The Communist Manifesto was made to characterize Europe before 1850. -
Cyrus Field
Cyrus Field helped create the Atlantic Telegraph Company. He laid the first cable across the Atlantic Ocean. Field started the first telecommunications link.