John Tyndall holds varying Jobs
Beginning in 1839, John Tyndall held a multitude of jobs all of which did not suit his interests. Jobs including, Surveyor, Railway Construction, and eventually teaching Math and Surveying at Queenwood College. The Royal Institution. 2019. https://www.rigb.org/our-history/history-of-research/john-tyndall-timeline -
John Tyndall succeeds Michael Faraday
In the 1850s John Tyndall succeeded Michael Faraday in giving lectures at the Royal Institution. Tyndall also became one of the leading figures in Victorian Science at the time. The Victorian Web. 2016. http://www.victorianweb.org/science/tyndall.htm -
John Tyndall's Radiant Heat Apparatus
In 1859, John Tyndall used multiple devices, including the pictured Radiant Heat apparatus, to measure the absorptive properties of atmospheric gases, which lead to the discovery of Greenhouse gases and their effects on the Earth. The Royal Institution. 2019. https://www.rigb.org/our-history/iconic-objects/iconic-objects-list/tyndall-radiant-heat -
Tyndall teams with Louis Pasteur pt1
Working with Louis Pasteur on Germ Theory and Spontaneous Generation, the pairsobservations were far ahead of their time, as the next individual to replicate their observations was Alexander in the 1920s. Victorian Web. 2019. http://www.victorianweb.org/science/tyndall.htm
Biology Libretexts. 2019. https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Microbiology/Book%3A_Microbiology_(Boundless)/1%3A_Introduction_to_Microbiology/1.1%3A_Introduction_to_Microbiology/1.1C%3A_Pasteur_and_Spontaneous_Generation -
Tyndall teams with Louis Pasteur pt2
Eventually advances in Germ Theory and Cell Theory displaced the ideas of Spontaneous Generation. An explanation of the original experiment conducted on Spontaneous Generation can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlbh6024R1c) thanks to Bill Nye. Biology Libretexts. 2019. https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Microbiology/Book%3A_Microbiology_(Boundless)/1%3A_Introduction_to_Microbiology/1.1%3A_Introduction_to_Microbiology/1.1C%3A_Pasteur_and_Spontaneous_Generation -
Tyndall's Works Built Upon
In 1860, Tyndall published a paper on the absorption of gases by heat, which was published in 1861. Future generations of scientists were able to build upon this paper as well as his earlier works.
1896 - Svante Arrhenius estimates warming effect of carbon dioxide
1938 - Guy Callandar makes the quantitative connection between global warming and emission of gas through human activity. Climate Lab Book. 2019. https://www.climate-lab-book.ac.uk/2018/john-tyndall-founder-of-climate-science/