A System of Logic
Mill propose the covering law model. Mill defines science main concern with the discovery go regular pattern in experience(laws) and a explanation of a fact is one that fixes its relationship to the law(Halverson). Mill think that science discoveries do not have to be grounded in logic, because logic is in the universe to which we experience.Mill's work later shaped logical positivism and still remains the standard account of scientific discovery. -
Mill defends how the freedom of speech and thought leads to greater truth discoveries. How false claims or beliefs can still be conducive to finding the truth and opens debate, which leads to a greater understanding(Macleod). -
Mill tried to create a code of ethics on the theory of life, which is the one thing we all want in life is pleasure. He tried apply the faculty and value of certain things in life in a measurable force that causes different levels of happiness.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a739VjqdSI -
The Subjection of Women
Mill would apply his utilitarianism roots to this issue by declaring that women should have the same rights as men. " the subordinates of women, he argues, is not only "wrong in itself" but "one of the chief hinderances to human improvement.""(Shipka). -
Halverson, Daniel. “Science, Technology and Society II: J.S. Mill on Scientific Method.” The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast, 17 Mar. 2015, partiallyexaminedlife.com/2015/03/06/science-technology-and-society-ii-j-s-mill-on-scientific-method/. Macleod, Christopher, "John Stuart Mill", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/entries/mill/. -
Shipka, Tom. “John Stuart Mill on Women's Rights.” WYSU, wysu.org/content/commentary/john-stuart-mill-womens-rights.