John Polkinghorne

  • Books

    In 1983 Mr. Polkinghorne wrote a book on science and religion called ( The Way The World Is) the book was on how a thinking person can be Christion. Since most Christians don't believe in science base on religion Polkinghorne shares Views from 3 worldviews Personal, Religion and Scientific.
  • Final Awards For Work In Science

    Mr. Polkinghorne was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1997 for his works in science, religion, math ethics and learning. In 2002 received the Templeton Prize for his works in progress towards research and discoveries about spiritual realities.
  • Creation of Mathematical Modes

    In 1974 Mr. Polkinghorne developed Mathematical Modes to help calculate the paths of quantum particles. Which are the building blocks of nature. In short electron and protons.
    Resources: Turner, Darrell J.. "John Polkinghorne". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 May. 2024,
  • John Polkinghorne Birth and Death dates

    John Polkinghorne Birth and Death dates
    16 October 1930- 09 March 2021
    Born in Weston-Super-Marie, England
    Died in Cambridge, England
  • Society's founded And Roles In Others

    With how religion played a role in his life he help found the (Society of Ordained Scientists) he continued in 2002-2004 as President of International Society of Science and Religion. He was also a member of 3 other groups. Science Research Council (1975), the Doctrine Commission of the Church of England (1989–95), and the Human Genetics Advisory Commission (1999–2002).