The "SHOW ME" campaign
Inspired by MLK Jr.'s efforts to fight for equal rights and justice within society, John Legend founded this campaign in order to help reach out to as many young individuals as possible so that they may receive equal access opportunity to a quality education. As a young child he was inspired to give back to society world by fighting for equal rights and social justice. Hoping to break the "school-to-prison pipeline" Legend has worked hard to fight against systematic oppression. -
As the global ambassador for the Teach For All networking program, Legend branches out to the sister programs in order to further advocate and recruit creative, diverse, innovative, and promising individuals towards the teaching profession. A network that serves to create a healthier and safe environment within education systems that will address and adhere to the needs of a diversity of children. This network directly applies to Legend's advocacy as he fights for equality for all. -
"LRNG" movement
A movement that was expanded by Legend in 2014 with the help of the National Writing Project, he envisioned an expansion on the "Show Me" campaign in hopes of promoting adaptation to the processes of learning as it pertains to the ever changing world we live in. Through the movements yearly innovation challenges they award grants to educators around the United States who take on the task of applying restructured and applicable methods to expand and make room for creative learning. -
AXE's "FIND YOU MAGIC" Initiative Program
"Find Your Magic" founded by AXE, is a program for gender equality with efforts to break barriers and stereotypes on "toxic masculinity". Legend joined the campaign and held a senior orientation in his home state of Ohio with the help of several high school students as they spoke on the significance of being comfortable in one's own skin, Influenced to advocate, Legend said, "the idea behind the campaign is thinking and living beyond the restraints of what it means to be a man". -
SOURCE: Stone, C. (2017, October 19). John Legend on Gender Equality, Harvey Weinstein, and How His Relationship With Chrissy Teigen Changed Him. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from https://www.wmagazine.com/story/john-legend-gender-equality-chrissy-teigen/ VISION. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2020, from http://showmecampaign.org/ What We Do. (2020, May 28). Retrieved September 15, 2020, from https://teachforall.org/what-we-do