John F. Kennedy is born
John Gets Scarlet Fever
John Goes to Choate for High School
John graduates Choate
John goes graduates Harvard
Kennedy enlists in the Navy
Kennedy becomes in command of a patrol boat.
John sinks his Patrol Boat
John's Older brother died
JFK was Elected to Congress
John Gets Addison's Disease
One of John's Sisters dies
Kennedy is elected into the US Senate
John's younger Brother becomes his campaign manager
John Marries Jackie
John and Jackie have their first Child
John beats Richard Nixon for Presidency
John and Jackie have their second Child
John is sworn and inaugurated into presidency
Kennedy Makes a temporary Peace Corps
John F. Kennedy takes responsibility or the "Bay of PIgs"
Kennedy ended all trade with Cuba
Kennedy announces his goal of putting people on the moon
John and Jackie have their third Child name Patrick
John's Son Patrick Dies
John F. Kennedy was assassinated
John F. Kennedy's Sister dies