John F. Kennedy

By zangle
  • John F. Kennedy is born

    John F. Kennedy is born
    John F. Kennedy is born in Brookline, Massachusets. He is the second son of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald.
  • The Kennedy family moves

    The Kennedy family moves
    The Kennedy family moved to Riverdale, Bronx, New York City.
  • The Kennedy family moves again

    The Kennedy family moves again
    This time the Kenneky family moved to Bronxville, New York.
  • John F. Kennedy enrolls at Harvard

    John F. Kennedy enrolls at Harvard
    John F. Kennedy enrolled at Harvard College and he made it on the varsity swim team.
  • John F. Kennedy joins the Navy

    John F. Kennedy joins the Navy
    John F. Kennedy tried to join the United States Army but was not accepted because of his chronic lower back problems, so he tried to join the Navy and he was accepted.
  • Kennedy gets attacked while on patrol

    Kennedy gets attacked while on patrol
    Kennedy's boat was performing nighttime patrols when they crashed into a japanese cruiser. He saved one of his wounded crew members.
  • John F. Kennedy recieves the Navy Marine Corps Medal

    John F. Kennedy recieves the Navy Marine Corps Medal
    John F. Kennedy recieved the Navy Marine Corps Medal for saving one his injured crew memebers.
  • John F. Kennedy is discharged

    John F. Kennedy is discharged
    John F. Kennedy was honorably discharged right before Japan surrendered.
  • Kennedy runs for congressman

    Kennedy runs for congressman
    John F. Kennedy ran for congress. He became a congressman.
  • Kennedy runs for senate

    Kennedy runs for senate
    John F. Kennedy ran for senate. He beat out Henry Cabot Lodge to become a senator.
  • John F. Kennedy gets married

    John F. Kennedy gets married
    John F. Kennedy got married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier at Saint Mary's Church.
  • John F. Kennedy starts his presidential campaign

    John F. Kennedy starts his presidential campaign
    John F. Kennedy started his campaign to become president. He faced challenges from Senator Hubert Humphrey and from Senator Wayne Morse.
  • John F. Kennedy beats Nixon

    John F. Kennedy beats Nixon
    John F. Kennedy defeated Nixon and he then became the United States President. He was the youngest president in the United States.
  • Kennedy becomes the nations next president

    Kennedy becomes the nations next president
    John F. Kennedy was officially named our nation's next president.
  • Missles on Cuba

    Missles on Cuba
    A spy plane took photographs of missles being built on the island of Cuba. John F. Kennedy had to do something immediatly.
  • John F. Kennedy and the space program

    John F. Kennedy and the space program
    John F. Kennedy spoke with the administrator of NASA. He then agreed to support the plan to send someone to the moon.
  • Kennedy gives a speech at the American University

    Kennedy gives a speech at the American University
    John F. Kennedy goes to the American University to give a speech about world peace.
  • Kennedy tries to stop nuclear testing

    Kennedy tries to stop nuclear testing
    John F. Kennedy tried to stop nuclear testing by making a treaty with many countries.
  • The assasination of JFK

    The assasination of JFK
    John F. Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas at the time of his death. It was 12:30 PM at the time of his death. He was shot twice.
  • The Funeral

    The Funeral
    John F. Kennedy's funeral was held at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle.