John Doe's Lifespan Development

  • 0-3 years of age Physical

    0-3 years of age Physical
    Between the age of 0-3 years wieght and height increases. By the age of 3 years all milk teeth and muscles will start to develop.Bones start the progress of hardening.Start to learn how to crawl,sit,walk and climb along with, picking up objects, touching objects and dropping objects and start to feed themeselves, due to muscle development.
  • 0-3 years of age Intellectual

    0-3 years of age Intellectual
    Between 0-3 years of age concepts of colour and shapes and numbers are recognised. Language develops and names of certain objects. Along with undertanding speech.
  • 0-3 years of age Emotional

    0-3 years of age Emotional
    Between 0-3 years of age there is tantrums, crying ans screaming. Attatchment to parents may also accur. By the age of 3 years old self cooncepts comes into place, such as self-esteem and self image.
  • 0-3 years of age Social

    0-3 years of age Social
    0-3 year old's start smiling and laughing. There is also attachment to parents. by 3 years old primary socialisation will have happened, during this parellel play takes place.
  • Period: to

    John Doe

  • 4 - 9 years of age Physical

     4 - 9 years of age Physical
    Between 4 - 9 year old's there is an increase in body weight as their weight fluctures. There will also be an increase in height. Are able to run, kick, lift heavy objects, catch and throw a ball with good coordination. By the age of 9 years old there is good control in writing and can draw detailed drawings.
  • 4 - 9 years of age Intellectual

    4 - 9 years of age Intellectual
    Between 4 - 9 years old, first experience of educations takes place. Gradually will speak using full adult grammar along with reading and writting. Will be able to do mental thinking count to 10 and learn names of shapes. Have an improved concentration. By the age of 9 years old will be able to think in a more complex way.
  • 4 - 9 years of age Emotional

    4 - 9 years of age Emotional
    Bewteen the age of 4 - 9 children will use their imagination to begin to understand the social roles that other people play. Also begin to imagine a 'me' as an idea of themselves. Will become more independent and confident.
  • 4 - 9 years of age Social

    4 - 9 years of age Social
    Between 4 - 9 yars old attachment and dependant on the parent or career will happen. Be able to choose friends and make relationships with friends as they will become important, often the same sex. Start to undertsand rules and play more complex games.
  • 10-18 years old Physical

    10-18 years old Physical
    Between the age of 10-18 puberty will start. Fcaial and pubic hair will grow along with growing taller and faster. There will be an increase in muscle strength and the voice becomes deeper in tone. Weight may also increase.
  • 10-18 years of age Social

    10-18 years of age Social
    Between the age of 10-18 there is relationships and sexual partners. Also take on responsibilities such as a job. Learn to take on adult roles and adult independance.
  • 10-18 years of age Emotional

    10-18 years of age Emotional
    Between 10-18 emotional stress and loss of self-esteem can take place. Will become independant from parents and search for love and affection in sexual partners.
  • 10-18 years of age Intellectual

    10-18 years of age Intellectual
    Learn how to achieve things, think about the future and make decisions for themselves, both good decisions and bad decisions. Will improve problem solving.
  • 19-65 years of age Physical

    19-65 years of age Physical
    By the age of 65 years old height may decrease and bones may become brittle. Start to become older in appearence, e.g. facial wrinkles, hair starts to thin out and may start to change colour. Metabolism will slow down causing increase in weight.
  • 19-65 years of age Intellectual

    19-65 years of age Intellectual
    Still in the process of learning and will be able to make decisions, learn to live independently and keep a job. Will learn to manage finances and be responsible for themselves.
  • 19-65 years of age Emotional

    19-65 years of age Emotional
    May start to feel down during the stage of becoming older also emotions such as positive and negative emotions will take place for many different reasons. By the age of 65 there may be loss of friends due to retiring from work.
  • 19-65 years of age Social

    19-65 years of age Social
    Between the age of 19-65 yeras of age relationships will develop with friends, partners and work collegues. May start a family of thier own. Social roles changes in the work place, community and within the family.
  • 65+ Physical

     65+ Physical
    Their body will become weaker in themeselves. May experience weight loss and height decreses due to loss of calcium in the bones as they become weaker. Muscles loose strength.
  • 65+ Intellectual

     65+ Intellectual
    takes longer to learn new things and harder to remember new things.
  • 65+ Emotional

     65+ Emotional
    Positive and negative emotions. Loss of independance due to old age and feeling more older in themselves.
  • 65+ Social

    65+ Social
    May join more social activities such as bingo. may make new friends from these activities.
  • Final Stages of Life Intellectual

    Final Stages of Life Intellectual
    harder to learn new things and will become harder to remember things eg. the date and time.
  • Final Stages of Life Emotional

    Final Stages of Life Emotional
    Positive and negative emotions, however more negative as friends and famiy members may have died. this will cause a feel of loneliness and independence due to ill health.
  • Final Stage of Life Social

    Final Stage of Life Social
    Loss of friends through death.
  • Final Stages of Life Physical

    Final Stages of Life Physical
    In the final stages of life bones become very fragile as they become brittle and weak. May need help in walking, feeding and drinking. Along with being helped when they need the toilet. Loss of eye sight, hearing, smell and taste. More medical problems may accur.