John dewey

John Dewey - October 20,1859-June 1, 1952

  • Period: to

    Dewey's Reconstruction of Psychology

    Dewey worked on a new direction called the Reflex Arc Concept which was an increasingly influential way to explain human behavior.
  • Philosophy

    When Dewey entered the world of Philosophy it was dominated by introspectionism (mentalism) and newer versions of of psychology. Dewey sought to forge connections between this and other sciences
  • Reflex Arc Concept

    Reflex Arc Concept
    The Link below indicates a good thorough explanation of the Reflex Arc Concept by John Dewey's eyes
  • John Dewey's Critique on the Reflex Arc Concept

    John Dewey's Critique on the Reflex Arc Concept
    The main topic that pushed his career was how he proved this theory to be absurd and changed the whole outlook on this by reconstructing the framework on the grounds of stimulus events and falsifying the nature of interaction.
  • Works Cited

    Hildebrand, David. “John Dewey.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 1 Nov. 2018,