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John Cena

  • First Event

    First Event
    Born in West Newbury, Massachusetts
  • Second Event

    Started wrestling at age 15 because kids teased him in High Schoool
  • Third Event

    Graduated from Springfield College with a degree in physiology
  • Fourth Event

    Fourth Event
    Became an official WWE superstar
  • Fifth Event

    Fifth Event
    Beat the world's largest athlete "The Big Show" for the United States Championship Belt
  • Sixth Event

    Teamed with childhood heroes Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels
  • Seventh Event

    Seventh Event
    Won the Championship Belt at WrestleMania againest John Bradshaw Layfield
  • Eighth Event

    Threw "Edge" off a 16 foot ladder and threw two tables at a
    "Tables Ladders, and Chairs" match
  • Ninth Event

    Beat hero Shawn Michales to retain championship title
  • Tenth Event

    Earned the World Heavyweight Championship by picking up both "Edge" and "Big Show" at the same time and slammed them to the mat