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John C. Calhoun was born and raised near Abbeville District, South Carolina. His parents were both proslavery and raised him as one too. -
He was born on March 18, 1782. -
Begins Political Career
Mr. Calhoun was elected to the first of three terms in the United States House of Representatives, Twelfth Congress. This began his political career. -
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Calhoun in Congress
Calhoun the Second National Bank, a protective tariff, and governmental expenditures for internal improvements. This hightens hie political career. -
War Hawk
Calhoun was one of the leading War Hawks who maneuvered the unprepared United States into war with Great Britain in 1812. After the U.S. had won the war, people saw him as a great leader/politician. -
Calhoun's Next Step
He creates a report on the development of roads and canals. Later, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, under John Q. Adams. -
Resigning Vice-Presidency
Mr. Calhoun resigned from the Vice-Presidency under Andrew Jackson. He left as one of the worst vice-presidents ever. -
The Compromise of 1850
When trying to ratify the Comprimise of 1850, Daniel Webster faced his greatest political opponent, John C. Calhoun. These arguments showed Calhoun's political skills. These arguments hightened his political career once again. -
Opposing the Mexican-American War
John C. Calhoun was reelected to the Senate in 1845, he opposed the Mexican-American War because he felt American victory would result in territorial concessions that would place the Union in jeopardy. -
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Southern Spirit
He resigned from the vice presidency and had been elected a senator from South Carolina. For the rest of his life he defended the slave-plantation system against a growing antislavery stance in the free states. -
Unify the South
He gave a speech on the resolutions regarding the Wilmot Proviso.
Calls for Southern unity. This is when the south started to unify. Calhoun believed in the south. -
Calhoun, along with Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson, dominated American political life from 1815 to 1850. A tall, spare individual, Calhoun was a gifted debater, an original thinker in political theory.