Joey McCoy's 13 Colony Timeline.

  • Virginia becomes the first colony.

    Virginia becomes the first colony.
    Virginia is founded under a patent for the London company and becomes the first British Colony in North America. Virginia is the first permanent English settlement.
  • The Mayflower landed in Massachusetts.

    The Mayflower landed in Massachusetts.
    The pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower from England to the New World and landed in Massachusetts.
  • New Hampshire is founded.

    New Hampshire is founded.
    New Hampshire was a planned colony. The land what's granted to Captain John Mason who lived in England. He sent settlers to the new territory to create a fishing colony. He died before ever seeing it.
  • Puritans establish the colony of Connecticut

    Puritans establish the colony of Connecticut
    Puritan minister Thomas Hooker and Gov. John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay colony established River colony later called Connecticut.
  • Anne Hutchinson is forced to Leave Massachusetts.

    Anne Hutchinson is forced to Leave Massachusetts.
    Anne Hutchinson was forced to leave Massachusetts for preaching against the Puritans. She later went on to help settle Rhode Island.
  • Delaware is founded

    Delaware is founded
    Delaware was founded by Peter Minuit. The two main reasons for the founding of Delaware, were trade and agriculture.
  • Toleration Act

    Toleration Act
    The Maryland Toleration Act, also known as the Act Concerning Religion,was a law mandating religious tolerance for try TrinitarianChristians.
  • New York and New Jersey are founded

    New York and New Jersey are founded
    New York was founded by the Dutch for trade and furs and became an English colony in 1664. New Jersey was founded in 1664 for farming and trade.
  • King Phillip's War

    King Phillip's War
    King Phillip's War marked the last major effort by the Native Americans to drive out the English settlers.
  • Lord Baltimore finds the colony of Maryland

    Lord Baltimore finds the colony of Maryland
    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore and other Catholics for religious freedom