
  • 2686 BCE

    Jobs in ancient Egypt

    In ancient egypt, all the women stayed at home. The men had two jobs. One was when the water from the nile river had dried up, they worked on land. The other one was when the nile was flooding, they had other jobs like builders or fishermen.
  • 800 BCE

    Jobs in ancient Greece

    In ancient Greece, the men and women used to work separately. The men would be farming, sculpting or making pottery. The women most of the time stayed at home, doing chores and looking after babies. Girls that time were mostly considered inferior to boys and thus, they too stayed at home, doing chores while the boys went to school.
  • 753 BCE

    Jobs in ancient Rome

    The people in ancient Rome had jobs like farming, acting and teaching. Farming and teaching were mostly done by slaves and acting was done by patricians or plebeians.
  • Jobs in the 1920s

    The ladies in the 1920s were supposed to stay at home and do the chores and they had to be married to men only to raise children and especially boys.
  • Jobs in present times

    Nowadays, everyone is working. Even women! Girls are now going to school and women are working out of their homes.