Jan 6, 1412
Joan is born
Joan was born around 1412. She was "born to a peasant family in Dohrémy, a small town near Vaucouleurs" (Peters 3). This town was the last town in the east that remained loyal to Charles VII. (http://archive.joan-of-arc.org/joanofarc_short_biography.html) -
Jul 30, 1419
First Defenestration of Prague
"Anti-Catholic Hussites, followers of executed reformer Jan Hus, storm Prague town hall and throw the judge, mayor and several city council members out the windows. They die in the fall or killed by crowd outside" (http://www.onthisday.com/history/date/1419). -
Jun 7, 1420
Troops of the Republic of Venice Capture Udine
Mar 13, 1425
The Voices Begin
"At the age of 13, Joan began to hear voices, which she determined had been sent by God to give her a mission of overwhelming importance: to save France by expelling its enemies, and to install Charles as its rightful king" (http://www.history.com/topics/saint-joan-of-arc). -
May 18, 1428
Joan's Visions
"In May 1428, Joan’s visions instructed her to go to Vaucouleurs and contact Robert de Baudricourt, the garrison commander and a supporter of Charles" (http://www.biography.com/people/joan-of-arc-9354756#synopsis). -
Feb 13, 1429
Joan leaves Vaucouleurs
"She left Vaucouleurs about February 13, dressed in men’s clothes and accompanied by six men-at-arms. Crossing territory held by the enemy, and traveling for 11 days, she reached Chinon" (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Joan-of-Arc). -
Feb 23, 1429
Joan was sent to Charles VII
"At first, Baudricourt refused Joan’s request, but after seeing that she was gaining the approval of villagers, in 1429 he relented and gave her a horse and an escort of several soldiers. Joan cropped her hair and dressed in men’s clothes for her 11-day journey across enemy territory to Chinon, the site of Charles’s court" (http://www.biography.com/people/joan-of-arc-9354756#synopsis) -
Mar 8, 1429
Captain of A Troop of Men
"Charles VII sent her to Orléans as captain of a troop of men" (Peters 3). This was important because "Orléans was saved; the first of Joan's great tasks had been accomplished" (Williams 63). Joan helped the French win against the English. (http://www.history.com/topics/saint-joan-of-arc) -
Jun 18, 1429
French and English meet at Patay
"The French and English armies came face to face at Patay on June 18, 1429. Joan promised success to the French, saying that Charles would win a greater victory that day than any he had won so far. The victory was indeed complete; the English army was routed and with it, finally, its reputation for invincibility" (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Joan-of-Arc) -
Jul 18, 1429
Charles VII is crowned King
"Joan was at his side, occupying a visible place at the ceremonies"
(http://www.biography.com/people/joan-of-arc-9354756#synopsis). -
Apr 1, 1430
Joan of Arc Confronts the Burgundian Assault
"In the spring of 1430, King Charles VII ordered Joan of Arc to Compiègne to confront the Burgundian assault. During the battle, she was thrown off her horse and left outside the town’s gates. The Burgundians took her captive and held her for several months, negotiating with the English, who saw her as a valuable propaganda prize. Finally, the Burgundians exchanged Joan for 10,000 francs" (http://www.biography.com/people/joan-of-arc-9354756#synopsis). -
May 30, 1431
Joan dies
Joan lived a short life. Her life was cut short when she "was captured by the Burgundians and was turned over to the English, who who prepared to try her for heresy" (Peters 3). She was burned at the stake.