Jan 6, 1412
First event
Born on January 6, 1412 -
May 20, 1424
Second event
Began to hear voices from what she believed is God -
Apr 25, 1429
Fifth event
Crushed a huge Engish/Burgrundy force -
Jul 7, 1429
Sixth event
Accompanied Charles VII as he was crowned at Reims -
Aug 16, 1429
Third event
Received permisson to lead the armies of France to battle -
Sep 8, 1429
Fourth event
Won her first battle as Commander -
May 8, 1430
Seventh event
Captured by English soldiers -
Dec 11, 1431
Eighth event
Burned at the stake after unfair trial by the English -
May 8, 1456
Ninth event
decared innocent by the church as victim of unfair trail -
Tenth event
Annointed a saint, "Joan of Arc" by Pope Benedict XV