Georges Cuiver is born
This man's achevements were not to be overestimated. In fact, he as the one who created paleontology, the stoudy of fossils. This study was on the foundation of his work. -
Charles Lyell is born
Despite his poor eyesight and failed barrister profession, Lyell became a geologist without delay. He was able to propose a theory of uniformitarianism, which explains that natural laws and processes always operate the same way. He proposed this therory on account of inspiration by other scientists.Charels Lyell (1795-1875) geologist -
Alfred wallace is born
He was a fasinating scientist, resarching natural slection, the process by which traits become more or less common on organisms. For more facts on his life visit http://www.victorianweb.org/science/wallace/wallace1.htm' >Alfred Russel Wallace: The Origins of an Evolutionist (1823-1848</a> -
August Weisman is born
His work on cells inpressed the world. He also has a carreer in zoology and anatomy. He lastly did work on cells. -
Voyage of the Beagle is published
Charels Darwin wrote this novel as part of the expidetiion of the HMS Beagle. Many editions were published, but his edition incuded the whole world -
Friedrich Miecscher is born
His works included isolating DNA, and idenfifying nucleic acids. He also was the first swiss man to do this. -
Natural selcetion therory is recognized by the Linneain Scocienty of London
Wallaces ideas of natual selection were combinded with excerpts of darwins. The linnean scociety soon was presented with the theory. On the 50th aniversary, it was shown that a medal was presneted to them both. -
Darwin proposes theroy of natural selection
Though his therories were true, he wanted the world to know his ideas. Unfortunatly, the essay he write was left unwritten. -
Darwin Publishes "On the Origin of Species"
Darwins theriories ranged from struggles for survival, and also less ferile enviornments are less likeley for other speiceies to reprodce. This book was one of darwins works, sating many other facts and inferences of species. For more information, look for this article on wikipedia. -
Menendels experiments rediscovered
Many scientists watched Menendels work, but none were proven. It was only this year that they found proof.