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Gaullism and the 5th Republic
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Jan Masayrk and the Prague Spring
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The Greek Civil War
The Greek Civil War was fought from 1946 to 1949 between the Greek government army, backed by the United Kingdom and the United States, and the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE), the military branch of the Greek Communist Party (KKE), backed by Yugoslavia and Albania as well as Bulgaria. The result was the defeat of the Communist insurgents by the government forces. The civil war was the result of a highly polarized struggle between left and right that started in 1943 and targeted the power vacu -
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First Indochina War
The Berlin Airlift and the Wall
The Berlin airlift was a delibrerate attempt by non-communist nations (especially the US) to funnel resources into the communist side of the Berlin wall. It was an outright challenge to communist governments and their sovreignty. -
Joseph Tito and the Communist Bloc
After disagreements between Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito and the Soviet Union regarding Greece and Albania, a Tito–Stalin split occurred, followed by Yugoslavia being expelled from the Cominform in June 1948. The split created two separate communist forces in Europe. Stalin ordered the conversion of the Cominform into an instrument to monitor and control internal affairs of other Eastern Bloc parties. He briefly considered also converting the Cominform into an instrument for sentencing high-r -
The European Coal and Steel Community
Khruschev and the 20th party Congress
The Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was a struggle between democratic nations such as the US and Great Britain and the communist backed nation of Egypt. After the west's refusal to pay for the Aswa Dam, Egypt sent forces to take and nationalize the Suez Canal region. -
Hungarian uprising and Soviet invasion
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European Economic Community
The European Economic Community was one of the first continent wide pacts made for trade. It was originally proposed by France to act as an arbiter for coal trade but later expanded to more forms of trade. -
Algerian War of Independence Accords
Solidarity and Martial Law
Thatcherism - Cold Warrior, the Welfare State, & The Falkland War
Gorbachev - Perestroika and Glastnot
Willy Brandt & Ostpolitik
Fall of Ceausescu
The Velvet Revolution
Fall of the Wall and German Reunification
The fall of the Wall and the reunification of Germany marked the beginning of the end of the cold war. After the wall fell, communist countries had much less control over their regions and the people therein. -
Yeltsin and the Coup
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Balkanization - Yugoslav Wars
Maastricht Treaty
Putin - Russian Resurgent Nationalism
Putin's attempt to re-annex the territories of Crimea and other portions of the Ukraine into Russia. This feat was met with strong resistance by the United States and other members of NATO.