Jimmy Carter

  • Jimmy Carter is born in Plains,Georgia

    Jimmy Carter is born in Plains,Georgia
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

  • Graduates from Plains High School

    Graduates from Plains High School
  • Graduates from Naval Academy Annapolis,Maryland

    Graduates from Naval Academy Annapolis,Maryland
  • Gets amrried to Rosalynn Carter

    Gets amrried to Rosalynn Carter
  • Cater's first son,John William, is born

    Cater's first son,John William, is born
  • Jimmy attends a Submarine Training School

    Jimmy attends a Submarine Training School
  • Carter was assighned to Pearl Harbor,Hawaii

    Carter was assighned to Pearl Harbor,Hawaii
  • James Earl III is born

    James Earl III is born
  • assighned to nuclear submarine program

    assighned to nuclear submarine program
  • Donnel Jeffrey was born

    Donnel Jeffrey was born
  • Jimmy's father passes away

    Jimmy's father passes away
  • Jimmy Carter becomes state senator in Atlanta,Georgia

    Jimmy Carter becomes state senator in Atlanta,Georgia
  • Amy Lyn Cater was born

    Amy Lyn Cater was born
  • Elected govenor of Georgia

    Elected govenor of Georgia
  • inagaugerated as govener of Georgia

    inagaugerated as govener of Georgia
  • The Georgia Assembly passes Carter's state government reorganization bill

    The Georgia Assembly passes Carter's state government reorganization bill
  • Fails to become running mate of George Mcgroven at the Democratic National Convention in Miami

    Fails to become running mate of George Mcgroven at the Democratic National Convention in Miami
  • Jimmy Carter announces his candidacy for president of the United States

    Jimmy Carter announces his candidacy for president of the United States
  • Wins the Iowa, New Hampshire, Illinois, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio Democratic caucuses and primaries. Loses the Massachusetts and California primaries.

    Wins the Iowa, New Hampshire, Illinois, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio Democratic caucuses and primaries. Loses the Massachusetts and California primaries.
  • elected President of the United States

    elected President of the United States
  • Inaugurated as president

    Inaugurated as president
  • Sighns the Emergency Natrual Gas Act

    Sighns the Emergency Natrual Gas Act
  • Visits France and calls for commitment to human rights.

    Visits France and calls for commitment to human rights.
  • Ends the B-1 Bomber program

    Ends the B-1 Bomber program
  • Signs the International Covenant on Human Rights.

    Signs the International Covenant on Human Rights.
  • Signs a Social Security Bill that increases taxes.

    Signs a Social Security Bill that increases taxes.
  • Israel and Egypt sign a peace treaty on Carter's White House lawn.

    Israel and Egypt sign a peace treaty on Carter's White House lawn.
  • Signs together with Soviet leader Anatoly Brezhnev the arms control SALT II treaty in Vienna.

    Signs together with Soviet leader Anatoly Brezhnev the arms control SALT II treaty in Vienna.
  • The start of the Iranian Hostage Crisis

    The start of the Iranian Hostage Crisis
  • The Iranian students releases 13 hostages.

    The Iranian students releases 13 hostages.
  • Jimmy announces his re-election candidacy

    Jimmy announces his re-election candidacy
  • The Iranians state that the hostages will not be released before election day.

    The Iranians state that the hostages will not be released before election day.
  • Reagan defeats Carter in the election

    Reagan defeats Carter in the election
  • twenty minuites after Reagan is inaugurated the hostages are released

    twenty minuites after Reagan is inaugurated  the hostages are released
  • jimmy's mother passes

    jimmy's mother passes
  • Works in Habitat for Humanity construction crews in Americus, Georgia and in New York City to build new homes for poor families.

    Works in Habitat for Humanity construction crews in Americus, Georgia and in New York City to build new homes for poor families.
  • Opens the Carter Center for human rights at Emory University.

    Opens the Carter Center for human rights at Emory University.
  • Founds the Atlanta Project to solve social problems.Leads the international monitor mission in Zambia.

    Founds the Atlanta Project to solve social problems.Leads the international monitor mission in Zambia.