Jimmy Carter

  • Period: to

    President Carter

  • Carters birth

    Carters birth
    His full name is James Earl Carter Jr. and was born in Georgia. While he was a child, he was a peanut farmer.
  • Carter joins the Navy

    Carter joins the Navy
    While Carter was in the Navy his rank as a lieutenant. He had served 7 years in the Navy.
  • Carter getting married

    Carter getting married
    In 1946 Carter, 21 and Rosalyn,18 got married in Georgia. Before htey got married JImmy already had proposed to her, but she said no. Later he asked her again and she said yes. After htye got married they had three sons and one daughter.
  • Jimmy's dad dies

    Jimmy's dad dies
    Jimmy's dad died from pancreatic cancer.
  • Voting for Senate

    Voting for Senate
    After all the votes got in for who was going to be part of the State Senate, they had announced that Carter had lost by 139 vote to Homer Moore.
  • Jimmy Carter's recount

    Jimmy Carter's recount
    After Jimmy had wanted a recount, a recounting committee says there will be a new election for the both of them. On November the sixth Carter had won by 831 votes.
  • Carter for Governor

    Carter for Governor
    Carter has said he will run for Governor for his hometown state. On September 15, 1966 Carter did not become Governor, but his determination did not stop him from running again.
  • Carters UFO citing

    Carters UFO citing
    One night in Georgia, Carter saw a flying object in the sky flying over him and then disappearing in the night sky.
  • Carter running for Governor again

    Carter running for Governor again
    After losing in 1966 for the Governor of Georgia he has come back to run again. While Carter is running for Governor his former opponent, Carl Saders is running again too.
  • Carter becomes governor

    Carter becomes governor
    After all Carters hard work he has won sixty percent of the votes, beating his other rival Hal Suit.
  • Carter running for president

    Carter running for president
    On the 12 of December Carter said he would be joining the election for the future 39th president.
  • Carter going to Texas

    Carter going to Texas
    Carter had gone to Texas to for spanish vote, so he could win the election. While he was there emy mother's high school and her got to play for him. Afetr he was finished with his speeches he had won Texas over.
  • Vote for Carter

    Vote for Carter
    When Carter was elected for president he won by 56 votes having a total of 297 against Ford having 241 votes.
  • Carter became president

    Carter became president
    He became the 39th president of the United States and served till 1981.
  • Carters walk to the White House

    Carters walk to the White House
    For the first time President Carter was the first president to get out of his limousine with his wife and walkto the White House.
  • treaty for the panama canal

    treaty for the panama canal
    Carter mets up with the president of Panamanian to sign a treaty for the Panama Canal, so we can provide control over it.
  • Carter furious with oil companies

    Carter furious with oil companies
    While President Carter was in a press comfrence, he said that oil companies were the biggest rip-offs in history.
  • Captive troops released

    Captive troops released
    They were held captive in Iran, until President Carter was over being the president.
  • Jimmy Carter receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Jimmy Carter receives Presidential Medal of Freedom
    Jimmy and his wife were given an award by President Clinton, which was the Presidental Medal of Freedom, the highest madal in the United States.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    During 2002 Jimmy had been awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize by the Norwegian Nobel group.