Battle of Tannenberg
Battle of Gallipoli
U-Boat sinks Lusitania
A german submarine called, U-boat, torpedoes the British cruise ship Lusitania and killed more than 1000 passengers. Also 128 inocent Americans were killed, which is wht the United States enetered the war. -
Battle of Verdun
Battle of Somme
The Zimmerman Telegram
In January 1917, German foreign minister Arthur Zimmerman proposed that Mexico help german if the U.S. entered the war. A British official intercepted the Zimmerman's telegram. In February 26, 1917, U.S. President Wilson learned of the telegram’s contents. This is important because this helped a popular sentiment in the U.S. against the Central Powers (specifically Germanay). -
Russian Revolution
In 1917, a revolution took place in Russia. During this time many Russians were unsatisfied or were against the monarchy As a result, the citiznes overthrew the monarchy and established a temporary government that promised free elections. -
President Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War
President Wilson continued to struggle with his conscience. The stress was and setiment for war war rising until April 2, 1917, which was when President Wilson asked the Congress to declare war on Germany. -
The Congress Agrees and Declares War
In April 6, 1917, the Congress agrees to allow President Wilson to declare war against the Central Power and Germany. -
The Selective Service Act
The Congress passes the Selective Service Act in order to recruit soldiers for war. This was the effort to raise an army quickly for war. As a result, there was about 24 million men had been registered, but only 3 million were called to serve for the war. Another 2 million men volunteered to serve for their country. -
The Espionage Act and the Effort to Quell the Pacifists
The Espionage Act was created in order to prevent citizens from going against the government. To fortify this act even more, they passed other acts like the Sabotage Act and the Sedition Act, which basiacally prohibits the citizens from saying anything that is against the government. -
Russian Withrdrawal
Russia was facing a very sever case of famine and other very serious problems that caused riots to overthrow the temporary government. Led by Vladimir Lenin, the communists, Bolsheviks overthew the democratic Russian government and established a new one. After Lenin had control over Russia, he gave up during the war (signed the Treaty of BrestLitovosk) and had to give a part of the land to Germany as a penalty. -
A Request for an Armistice from Germany
As time passed, Germany had to face their loss and their defeat. So, in the end, Germany gave up and requested for an armistice to American and President Wilson agreed happily. -
Peace through Armistice
The armistice began on 1918. During this date, Germany has agreed to withdraw all troops and army forces from the West in order to comply with President Wilson's conditions.