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Jiang Qing

By katerb
  • Birth

    Jiang Qing was born on this day in Zhucheng, China.
  • Chinese Communist Party is founded

    Chinese Communist Party is founded
    Mao Zedong is also established as one of its lead rulers.
  • Qing Travels

    Qing Travels
    Jiang followed her mother to the large port city of Tientsin (Tianjin).
  • Academy

    Jiang Qing joined the provincial Experimental Arts Academy
  • Marriage

    Jiang Qing married political leader, Mao Zedong, on this day.
  • Communist Party Took Over

    The Communist Party took over China.
  • New Chairman

    New Chairman
    Chairman Mao was elected the Communists Leader and he wanted to destroy the culture of the pre-Communist China. He wanted to make the power as his own. His wife, Jiang Qing Mao organized the red guards and composed of the middle school and high schoolers.
  • Cultural Revolution Ended

    Cultural Revolution Ended
  • Death of Mao Zedong

    Death of Mao Zedong
  • Death

    Jiang Qing committed suicide in jail; she was 77.
  • The Gang of Four

    The Gang of Four
    After Jiang Qing and her conspirators was called the Gang of Four, she was sentence to death by the new Chairman, Hua GuoFeng. After Jiang Qing was sentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment. So when it's in 1991, she was only senting to jail and not to death.