History of Multicultural Education

  • JFK Assassination- 1963

    JFK Assassination- 1963
    JFK was the 35th president of the United States and one of the most beloved presidents in history. He was shot and killed while riding in his car through a parade in Dallas, Texas. People weren't able to see his true potential on what he was planning to do during his presidency.
  • Civil Rights Act- 1964

    Civil Rights Act- 1964
    The Civil Rights Act was established to end segregation based off race, ethnicity, skin color, and cultural backgrounds. This was a huge stepping stone in the push to end racial injustice.
  • MLK Assassination- 1968

    Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist and also a nobel prize winner for speaking out against racial injustice. He was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee which brought huge tragedy to people across the country.
  • Four Kent State Students Killed- 1970

    Four Kent State Students Killed- 1970
    Kent State held a rally to protest against the Vietnam War. Unfortunately things got out of hand and 8 students were shot and 4 were killed at the hands of National Guard Troops which sparked huge outrage across the U.S.
  • Vietnam War Ends for U.S.- 1973

    Vietnam War Ends for U.S.- 1973
    The Vietnam War is known as a war that was not won by the United States and costed over 58,000 American casualties. The U.S. was at war to try and stop others from pushing communism.
  • African Americans going to predominantly white schools- 1974

    African Americans going to predominantly white schools- 1974
    Federal Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. provides a 152-paged order to allow African Americans to be bused to schools that have mainly white people attending. This sparked outrage for white people, especially in the Boston area.
  • The Emergency Immigrant Education Act- 1984

    The Emergency Immigrant Education Act- 1984
    This act was established to help provide services and reasonable costs for schooling for immigrants in the U.S. This was an important act to help provide more equal opportunity in schooling for non-white people.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act- 1990

    The Americans with Disabilities Act- 1990
    This is a civil rights law that prohibits any discrimination against people with disabilities. This was a huge step as it allowed people with disabilities to fit in with the rest of the public and given equal opportunity when it comes to school, work, etc.
  • Columbine Shooting- 1999

    Columbine Shooting- 1999
    At the time this became the most deadliest and unfortunate school shooting in U.S. history. It has changed America and sadly people to this day still are inspired by the shooting and the U.S. still have these problems on an almost daily basis it seems.
  • Gun Violence Protest- 2018

    Gun Violence Protest- 2018
    Thousands and thousands of students walk out of classrooms to protest for stricter gun laws as school and public shootings continue to occur in America. This was a huge step in speaking out against guns and pushing efforts for safer school and public areas.