
JFK Administration

By 1200470
  • JFK Delivers "New Frontier" Speech

    JFK Delivers "New Frontier" Speech
    -Acceptance speech to the Democratic National Convention -Showed that JFK firmly belived in civil rights, women's rights, and welfare payments for the needy -Used the phrase "New Frontier" to encourage America to support him in this new path he wanted to pave for the people
  • JFK Speaks at Houston Ministers Conference

    JFK Speaks at Houston Ministers Conference
    • People wanted the issue of being influenced by the Pope to be adressed
    • JFK claimed that he would not intertwine his Catholic views in with his presidential duties
    • Supported religious freedom
  • JFK Debates Richard Nixon on Television

    JFK Debates Richard Nixon on Television
    • First Televised Presidential Debate
    • Nixon attacked Kennedy with strong points and issues
    • Kennedy looked and performed better than anyone expected, and looked better than Nixon
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Rebellion Leader Fidel Castro gained control of Cuba
    • Welcomed aid from Soviet Union
    • Began a Nuclear war threat on the U.S.
  • JFK Wins Election in 1960

    JFK Wins Election in 1960
    • Closest victory won since 1800, with 119,000 votes more
    • Defeated Republican Richard Nixon
    • First Catholic President
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    • JFK agreed to send troops to Cuba to try and stop the rebellion
    • Eisenhower had specialized CIA troups to infiltrate Cuba through the Bay of Pigs
    • Plan failed miserably
  • Freedom Riders Attacked in Alabama

    Freedom Riders Attacked in Alabama
    • Freedom Riders were civil rights activists whom tried to take down anti-segregation laws
    • KKK members attacked and bombed a Freedom Rider bus
    • The Klan members realized this put them more on the edge and fled to avoid being caught
  • Berlin Wall is Constructed

    Berlin Wall is Constructed
    • People of East Berlin tried to go to West berlin to democracy
    • Soviet Union tried to stop this, but the U.S. refused to give up their path ways
    • Sovitet Union established a giants wall with guards to stop people from moving to West.
  • Kennedy Addresses the Nation about Civil Rights

    Kennedy Addresses the Nation about Civil Rights
    • First time any president has called on equality among Americans
    • Sought to give eqaulity to black and white people
    • Called Martin Luther King and talked to him telling him he was sorry for the actions called against a black man
  • JFK Assassinated in Dallas, Texas

    JFK Assassinated in Dallas, Texas
    • Killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
    • Was on an election campaign in a Convertable
    • Killed in Dealey Plaza