Jews in England: 1201-1300

  • Period: Jan 1, 1201 to Dec 31, 1300

    Thirteenth Century

  • Apr 10, 1201

    The Great Return

    The Great Return
    King John England passed a charter granting Jews their freedom in England. The charter stated that the Jews would be treated like they had been when King Henry was in power. Throughtout the charter it goes on to state different circumstances the Jews may encounter with the law and other faiths. Based on the charter, it seems as though King John was trying to treat Jews fairly (Halsal). (Liverpool History Animation).
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Spike the men!

    Spike the men!
    The catholic church required all Jewish men to wear spikey hats, to make them easily identified and distinguished. This put the Jews to shame and outcasted them from society (National Archives). (National Archives)
  • Jan 1, 1216

    Identify Yourself

    Identify Yourself
    Date is estimated because the only date given is, 1216. With the accession of Henry III. the position of the Jews became somewhat easier, but only for a short time. Innocent III. had in the preceding year caused the Lateran Council to pass the law enforcing the Badge upon the Jews (Smitha). (Mathis).
  • Jan 1, 1216

    The New York of England

    The New York of England
    Jews are allowed back into York to live as directed by King Henry III. Demonstes the end of a prior prejudice by the people and ruler of York. (Jewish Gen). (Guakartifact).
  • Jan 1, 1232

    Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home
    The Domus Conversorum was founded to provide a home and free maintenance for Jews converted to Christianity. Society was bribing Jews to convert which emphasises semitism and reflects on the values of the Jews and Christians (Jewish Enclyclopedia). (ladysilver2267).
  • Jan 1, 1234

    Newcastle Old Problems

    Newcastle Old Problems
    The Jews were expelled from Newcastle. This prejudice against them forced many jews to find new homes once again (Jewish Gen). (Standley).
  • Jan 1, 1236

    These Are Ours Now...

    These Are Ours Now...
    Pope Gregory ordered that church leaders in England, France, Portugal and Spain confiscate Jewish books on the first Saturday of Lent (B.A. Robinson). Pic : (TCJewFolk)
  • Jan 1, 1242

    Popping tags or Clipping coins

    Popping tags or Clipping coins
    In 1242, Mosse Mokke, a jew who worked for cheif Jewish money-lender Isaac fil Jurnet was executed for clipping coins. This significance shows that the law in this case applied to jews the same as it did everyone else. Clippin coins is punishable by death (National Archives). (Grifter Rec).
  • Jan 1, 1253

    Jews required to split up

    Jews required to split up
    Jews in England are forbidden to live in towns that do not already have a Jewish comununity (Smitha).
  • Jan 1, 1255

    Let Us Out!!

    Let Us Out!!
    Jews volunteered to leave England. The request was turned down by King Henry III who considered the Jews royal property (Schoenberg). (Wikipedia).
  • Jan 1, 1255

    Drowning in Hate

    Drowning in Hate
    A boy drowns in a Jewish cesspool. Some Christians believed he was killed in a Jewish ritual. One hundred jews were killed as a result (Smitha).
  • Jan 1, 1262

    Quick, Hide!

    Quick, Hide!
    During the war in 1262, Jews were attacked in many different places just for being Jewish. In London, 1,500 were killed. There was a large antisemetic feeling all around England (Perednik). (Encyclopedia Judacia).
  • Jan 1, 1263

    Because You're You

    Because You're You
    From this year until 1266 there were multiple Jewish communities were ransacked and inhabitants killed (Schoenberg).
  • Jan 1, 1264

    Privileges granted

    Privileges granted
    Grand Duke Boleslaw the Pious granted the Jews of Poland an extensive charter of privileges. The charter allowed Jews to engage in commerce, trades, and professions that had been prohibited, defended their property rights, and permitted Jewish communities to have their own court systems (Roth). (Szyk).
  • Jan 1, 1275

    Royal Restriction

    Royal Restriction
    Estimated date: 1275
    Jews were forbidden to lend on usury, but could engage in commerce and handicraft. They could even own farms for no more than ten years. Difficulty establishing income through these means led to theft (Jewish Encyclopedia). There was a prejudice against the jews.
  • Jan 1, 1278

    Welcome to the Cage

    Welcome to the Cage
    Due to the aftermath of the Statutum de Judaismo, all of the Jews in England were imprisoned by this year or joined the Domus Conversorum (Jewish Encyclopedia).
  • Jan 1, 1279

    You Can't Hide!

    You Can't Hide!
    All Jews were arrested for debasing the coin of realm. There was a prejudice against jews and it was assumed they were all guilty (Perednik). (Kadish).
  • Jan 1, 1290

    So Long, Suckers!

    So Long, Suckers!
    Jews were expelled from all of England. They all had to find new home. This signifies the antisemitism and prejudice as well as the power the Christians of England had. (Jewish Gen). (Keller).