1800 BCE
When Abraham was born his name was Abram but because he had a unique relationship with God, God renamed him Abraham. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/abraham.html -
1713 BCE
Issac was born
Issac was born in Abraham old age as a gift from God. God told Abraham to name his son Issac for it means laughter.
Genesis 21: 1-7 -
1290 BCE
Moses leads Israelite's out of Egyptian bondage.
http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/a-brief-timeline-of-jewish-history.html -
1250 BCE
Life In The Promise Land
After the death of Moses the Isrealiets crossed the Jordan river to the land that was promised to them by God -
950 BCE
King Solomon
King Solomon builds First Temple in Jerusalem http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/a-brief-timeline-of-jewish-history.html -
924 BCE
Division of Israel
Israel was divided in the north and south kingdom because the conflict among the tribes.
http://www.gotquestions.org/Israel-Northern-Southern-Kingdoms.html -
869 BCE
David becomes King of Israel
David was anointed in Hebron then moved their for 7 years then moved to Jerusalem in 869.BCE
http://ohr.edu/special/misc/timeline.htm -
523 BCE
This marks the date of the Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman who was planning on killing all of the Jews
Esther: 9: 24-26 -
368 BCE
Second temple
The second temple started being built in 368.BCE and it was built in Jerusalem
http://ohr.edu/special/misc/timeline.htm -
Greeks concur Israel
The Greek empire to the Greeks what was beautiful what was holy; to the Jews what was holy was beautiful. these views were bound to clash.