1900 BCE
Abraham is called by god
Abraham is called by god and he is told that he must take his people and go to the land that is promised to them by god. Abraham is promised "descendants as numerous as the stars" -
1562 BCE
- In 1562 B.C. Joseph is born as the son of Jacob and Rachel and has 12 other brother who are jealous of him because he can interpret dreams and because Jacob likes Joseph more that his other brothers they sell him into slavery in Egypt in 1546 B.C.
1532 BCE
Joseph becomes viceroy of egypt
Because of his ability to interpret dreams Joseph helps the pharaoh interpret his dreams and he saves Egypt from famine and in 1523 B.C. Joseph's father Jacob and his family join Joseph in Egypt -
Period: 1429 BCE to 1280 BCE
Enslavement of the Hebrews
After Joseph dies in 1452 B.C. the Egyptian people take advantage of the Hebrew people and have them become their slaves building their kingdom for them. -
1393 BCE
Moses was born in Egypt when the pharaoh orders all the killings of the firstborn Hebrew children to prevent a revolt by the Hebrew people but Moses's mother but him inside a basket and sent him down the Nile to save him from the pharaoh's purge and is found by the pharaoh's daughter and is adopted by her and lives as an prince in Egypt -
1314 BCE
Moses and the burning bush
After finding out that he is not Egyptian Moses kills an slaver who is whipping a Jew and Moses flees Egypt and gets married to Zipporah who is the daughter of Jethro a priest. When Moses was 80 years old he was watching Jethro's flock he sees a bush that is on fire but the bush is not consumed by the flames, then the voice of god comes to him and tells Moses that he must go and free gods people and at first Moses denies doing this but god said that he will be with him so Moses leaves for Egypt -
1280 BCE
Exodus from Egypt
At first when Moses asks pharaoh to, "let his people go" pharaoh says no but after god used the 10 plagues on Egypt after the 10th plague (The angel of death) the pharaoh's son dies and he lets the Jews leave Egypt -
1280 BCE
Moses splits the red sea
After the Israelite's leave Egypt they end up at the red sea and the pharaoh changed his mind and he is approaching the Israelite's with his army, so to get out Moses spits the red sea in half and they walk through the sea and when they get through Moses closes the sea washing away the pharaoh's army. -
1200 BCE
Moses forbidden to enter the promised land
After walking through the desert for a long time Moses is fed up with the peoples constant whining, one day they ask Moses for water so instead of asking god he commands god and strikes a rock and water comes out, because of this Moses was forbidden to enter the holy land so he dies looking at the land and the next prophet is Joshua. -
Moses and the 10 commandments
After the Hebrew people passed through the red sea the went to Mt. Sinai Moses went up the mountain and god gave him 10 commandments written in stone preparing the people for the promised land.