1900 BCE
The Promise
Abraham made a covenant with God stating that he will give him many descendants and land to his people, the Hebrews. In return God called upon them too follow Him loyalty and lovingly. -
Period: 1900 BCE to 30 BCE
Time Span
1562 BCE
Settlement in Egypt
Joseph, son of Jacob, had a special ability to interpret dreams. Since his father loved him most out of his eleven sons, Josephs brothers got jealous and sold him into slavery to Egypt. While he was there, Joseph interpreted the pharaohs dream that there will be a seven year famine and became the prime minister of Egypt. His position in power made all the Hebrews settle in Egypt which lead to their enslavement. -
1290 BCE
Moses was born into a Hebrew family, but grew up as the Pharaohs son, was called by God to free his people from slavery. After, God and the Israelite's furthered their covenant in the form of the ten commandments. -
1020 BCE
A New King
The philistines, captured the Covenant and the Israelite's thought they needed a strong leader in order to defeat their enemies. That is when Saul was appointed as their first king of the twelve tribes of Israel divided in two groups, Israel and Judah. Saul was jealous of a young man named David, one of the leaders in his army, and eventually the successor of him. -
1000 BCE
King David
After Saul's death, David became the new king. He led Israel to defeat the Philistines and captured Jerusalem. David built a palace and wanted to build a temple which the ark of the covenant could be kept and honored. He later had a son named Solomon, whom built the temple that his father wanted. -
721 BCE
Dividing Kingdoms
After Solomon's death, his son became king of only the two tribes of Judah in the south. The ten northern tribes refused him as the next king which destroyed the unified kingdom of David.The northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians and the southern kingdom were by the Babylonians. The temple and Jerusalem were destroyed, and thousands were led to flee. -
538 BCE
Jerusalem was taken over by the Babylonians.Persians defeated the Babylonians and the Israelite's returned to Jerusalem. They rebuild the temple. -
Birth of the Messiah
A young women named Mary was approached by an angel named Gabriel to bring news that she would give birth to the Messiah. -
When Jesus was about 30, he met John the baptist, who had started a religious movement preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Jesus joined and got baptized. -
The Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified. One the third day Jesus resurrected from the dead.