1900 BCE
God spoke to Abraham
God spoke to Abraham through a burning bush. God promises land and to take care of Abraham's people. -
1500 BCE
The Israelites were enslaved by Egypt
Joseph settled in Egypt where the Israelites lived in prosperity for one hundred fifty years. The Israelites suffered slavery in Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh. -
1291 BCE
- God spoke to Moses through a burning bush and told him to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses split the red sea and led his people away from Pharaoh. God gave Moses two stone tablets with the rules that his people must follow to go to the promised lands. 4.
1290 BCE
Moses frees his people from slavery
God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh and get his to let the Israelite slaves free. God sends many attacks to convince Pharaoh to let his people go. -
1290 BCE
Moses was given the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai
God gave Moses two stone tablets inscribed with the ten rules God gave for Moses and his people. These are known as the Ten Commandments. -
1290 BCE
- Moses was a boy that was adopted into the family of Pharaoh after he ordered that all first born children were to be killed. Moses lived in Egypt.
- Moses led the Iraelites out of Egypt after God spoke to him to get Pharaoh to let his people go. Moses also was given the Ten Commandment by God for the people to follow to be allowed in the promised lands.
1250 BCE
Israelite's reach the promised land
After the death of Moses the Israelite's crossed the Jordan River into the land promised by God. -
1020 BCE
Israelite's appoint a King
In order to survive the attacks of the Philistines they needed a leader to lead them and appointed Saul as king in desperation. -
1000 BCE
King David unites the twelve tribes
After Saul's son was murdered after a short time of being on the throne, the people voted for David to be their king. He was only thirty-seven when he united all the twelve tribes. -
922 BCE
The kingdom of Jerusalem splits into two
After the death of Solomon who built the temple, the kingdom split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. -
Period: 721 BCE to 587 BCE
The northern and southern kingdom were captured and destroyed
The northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians in 721 BCE. While the southern kingdom survived until 597 BCE when its citizens were captured by the Babylonians. -
The Persians fight off the Babylonians
The Persians defeated the Babylonians and the exiles were allowed to return to Jerusalem.