1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Devastating fires broke out in the city that lasted for several days.
- About 3,000 people died.
- Over 80% of San Francisco was destroyed.
Northridge Earthquake, US
- Lasted for about 10-20 seconds.
- More than 60 deaths and more than 5,000 injuries.
- Caused and estimated $25 billion in damage.
Kobe Earthquake Japan
- Approximately 6,434 people lost their lives.
- Cause approximately ten trillion yen ($100 billion) in damage.
- Measured at 6.8 magnitude.
Hurricane Katrina 2005
- One of the five deadliest hurricanes.
- At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods.
- Total property damage was estimated at $108 Billion.
Sichuan Earthquake, China
- Killed 69,197 people, left 18,222 missing and 374,176 injured.
- Left about 4.8 million people homeless.
- Central government announced in 2008 that it would spend about $146.5 billion over the next three years to rebuild.