Gabriel visits Mary in Nazareth
Period: to
Jesus Timeline
Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for the Census
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus is visited by the Sheperds and Wise Men
King Herod orders the killing of all male children under two years old
Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt
Jesus visits the Temple in Jerusalem
Jesus works as a carpenter
Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan River
Jesus in the Wilderness
Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding
Jesus drives the money makers from the temple
Jesus and the woman of Samaria
Jesus reads in the the Synagogue
The Sermon on the Mount
The Miracle of the Leper
Jesus and the Twelve Disciples
The inprisonment of John the Baptist
Jesus and the multitudes at the shore
Parable of the Fishing Net
Matthew 13:47-50 -
Parable of a new cloth on an old coat
Matthew 9:16 -
Parable of new wine on old wineskins
Matthew 9:17 -
Parable of A Lamp on a Stand
Matthew 5:14-15 -
Parable of Wise and Foolish Builders
Luke 6: 46-49 -
Parable of the Moneylender
Luke 7:41-43 -
Parable of the Rich Fool
Luke 12: 15-21 -
Parable of watching servants
Luke 12: 35-40 -
Parable of Wise and Foolish servants
Luke 12:42-48 -
Unfruitful Fig Tree
Luke 13:6-9 -
Parable of different types of soil
Matthew 13:3-23 -
Parable of Weeds among good Plants
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 -
Parable of the Growing Seed
Mark 4:26-29 -
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Mark 4:30-32 -
Parable of the Yeast
Matthew 13:33 -
Parable of Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13:44 -
Parable of the Fine Pearl
Matthew 13:45-46 -
Parable of the Owner of the House
Matthew 13:52 -
Parable fof the Lost Sheep
Matthew 18:12-14 -
Parable of the Shepard and his flock
John 10:1-18 -
Parable of the Master and the Servant
Luke 17:7-10 -
Parable of the unmerciful servant
Matthew 18:23-34 -
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-42 -
Parable of the Friend in need
Luke 11:5-8 -
Parable fo the Lowest seat at the feast
Luke 14:7-14 -
Parable of the Great Banquet
Luke 14:15-24 -
Parable of the cost of being a disciple
Luke 14:25-35 -
Parable of the Lost Coin
Luke 15:8-10 -
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-32 -
Parable fo the Shrewd Manager
Luke 16:1-8 -
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 16:19-31 -
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20:1-16 -
The Persistant Widow
Luke 18:1-17 -
Parable of the Praying Pharisee and taxcollector
Luke 18:9-14 -
Parable of the two sons
Matthew 21:28-32 -
Parable of the Wicked Tenants of the Vineyard
Matthew 21:33-44 -
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Matthew 22:1-14 -
Parable of Watchful Servants
Mark 13:32-37 -
Parable of Three Servants given Talents
Matthew 25:14-30 -
Parable of the sheep and the goats
Matthew 25:31-46 -
Jesus teaches in the synagogue
The miracle of the loaves and bread
Jesus walks on water
Jesus and the pharisees
Jesus raises Lazarus
Miracle of the two blind beggars
Mary and Martha
The Last Supper
Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus is betrayed by Judas
Jesus' trial
The Crucifiction
The Resurrection
Doubting Thomas
The Ascension