Fingerprinting First Used
A fingerprinting classification system developed by Sir Edward Richard Henry is first used in Scotland Yard. -
First Arrest and Warrant Database
New Orleans Police Department installs a vacumn-operated calculator that "summarizes" arrests & warrants. This is the first advance to record information about criminals and be able to quickly access that information. -
Invents Side-Handle Baton
Former Marine invents side-handle baton. Effectiveness causes most police agencies to adopt them. This event shows the rapid shift to more non-lethal methods of detaining a suspect. This method is widely used in today's law enforcement. -
First Computer-Aided Dispatch System
St. Louis Police Department installs first computer-assisted dispatch system. This allows for quicker dispatch of squad cars, therefore decreasing the response time of law enforcement, and increasing their efficiency. -
Taser is Introduced
The TASER stun gun is introduced. This device shoots two wire connected darts into the victim and sends a 50,000 volt shock into their body, temporarily disabling the offender. By 1985, every state police department used TASERS. -
Walkie Talkies are getting popular
Portable 2-way radios are being widely adopted by law enforcement agencies. Two-way communication between officers and dispatchers is essential for routing emergency services where they need to go. Contacting other officers to request help also becomes simple as well. -
Body Armor
The National Institute of Justice initiated a project that leads to the development of lightweight, flexible, and comfortable protective body armor for the police. The body armor is made from Kevlar, a fabric originally developed to replace steel belting for radial tires. The soft body armor introduced by the Institute is credited with saving the lives of more than 2,000 police officers since its inception into the law enforcement community. -
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray, or Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray, is a chemical agent used to cause pain and temporary blindness in the victims eyes. In 1986, this compound was first used as a force alternative by law enforcement. -
First 911 Call
Alabama speaker of the House placed the first eve 911 call only 35 days after AT&T announced its creation. -
AIFIS Is Launched
The FBI's Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System is launched. This system connects law enforcement agencies and the FBI with fingerprint data, mugshots and other criminal records. -
Facebook, a popular social network launched. It is now an important tool for law enforcement to connect to the public and track criminals. -
TASER AXON Flex Aannounced
TASER's International body worn cameras announced.