
Jessica Separovich Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    From St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California the Pony Express could deliver a letter faster than ever before. In operation for only 18 months between April 1860 and October 1861, the Pony Express nevertheless has become synonymous with the Old West.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected 16th President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected 16th President
    Abraham Lincoln is elected sixteenth president of the United States, the first Republican president in the nation who represents a party that opposes the spread of slavery in the territories of the United States.
  • First Secession Convention

    First Secession Convention
    The first Secession Convention meets in Columbia, South Carolina.
  • SC secedes from Union

    SC secedes from Union
    South Carolina secedes from the Union.
  • Mississippi was the first state to secede from the United States

    Mississippi was the first state to secede from the United States
    On January 9th 1861, Mississippi seceded from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Florida was the second state to secede from the Union.

    Florida was the second state to secede from the Union.
    On January 10th 1861, Florida was the second state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Alabama was the third state to secede from the Union

    Alabama was the third state to secede from the Union
    On January 11th 1861, Alabama was the third state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Georgia was the fourth state to secede from the Union

    Georgia was the fourth state to secede from the Union
    On January 19th 1861, Georgia became the fourth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Louisiana becomes the fifth state to secede from union

    Louisiana becomes the fifth state to secede from union
    On January 26th 1861, Louisiana became the fifth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Texas becomes the sixth state to secede from union

    Texas becomes the sixth state to secede from union
    On February 1st 1861, Texas became the sixth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Battle of Fort Sumpter

    Battle of Fort Sumpter
    The Battle of Fort Sumter was the bombardment of Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina by the Confederate States Army, and the return gunfire and subsequent surrender by the United States Army, that started the American Civil War... Southern troops had demanded the surrender of the fort while Lincoln refused to surrender or abandon fort. War was officially declared on April 12, 1861.
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Lincoln becomes the sixteenth president of the United States. He represented the Republican Party.
  • Virginia becomes the seventh state to secede from union

    Virginia becomes the seventh state to secede from union
    On April 17th 1861, Virginia became the seventh state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Arkansas becomes the eighth state to secede from union

    Arkansas becomes the eighth state to secede from union
    On May 6th 1861, Arkansas became the eighth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • North Carolina became the ninth state to secede from union

    North Carolina became the ninth state to secede from union
    On May 20th 1861, North Carolina became the ninth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Tennessee becomes tenth state to secede from union

    Tennessee becomes tenth state to secede from union
    On June 8th 1861, Tennessee became the tenth state to secede from the United States union, withdrawing from their partnership.
  • Battle of Mill Springs

    Battle of Mill Springs
    On January 19, 1862, the Battle of Mill Springs occurred in Kentucky. The Unions victory during the battle managed to weaken he Confederate hold on the state at the time.
  • Battle of Roanoke Island

    Battle of Roanoke Island
    On February 8, 1862, the Battle of Roanoke Island took place in -North Carolina. This was a Confederate defeat, as the battle resulted in Union occupation of eastern North Carolina and control of Pamlico Sound. Which then was used as Northern base for further operations against the southern coast.
  • Surrender of Fort Donelson

    Surrender of Fort Donelson
    The Surrender of Fort Donelson, Tennessee happened on February 16, 1862. This primary southern fort on the Cumberland River left the river in Union hands. It was here that Union General Ulysses S. Grant gained his nickname "Unconditional Surrender".
  • Jefferson Davis Becomes Confederates President

    Jefferson Davis Becomes Confederates President
    On February 22, 1862, Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as President of the Confederate States of America.
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Battle of Pea Ridge
    From March 7-8, 1862, the Battle of Pea Ridge or the "Elkhorn Tavern" took place in Arkansas. The Union victory loosened the Confederate hold on Missouri and disrupted southern control of a portion of the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh took place on April 6-7, 1862. Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston, a veteran of the Texas War of Independence and the War with Mexico considered to be one of the finest officers the South has, was killed on the first day of fighting. The Union victory further secures the career of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    From May 31-June 1, 1862, The Battle of Seven Pines near Richmond, Virginia took place. General Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederate army in Virginia was wounded and replaced by Robert E. Lee who renames his command the "Army of Northern Virginia".
  • Battle of Memphis

    Battle of Memphis
    On June 6, 1862, The Battle of Memphis took place (Tennessee). A Union flotilla under Commodore Charles Davis successfully defeated a Confederate river force on the Mississippi River near the city and Memphis surrenders. The Mississippi River put in Union control except for its course west of Mississippi where the city of Vicksburg standing as the last southern stronghold on the great river.
  • Battle of Second Bull Run

    Battle of Second Bull Run
    From August 30-31, 1862, The Battle of Second Bull Run (or Second Manassas) was fought on the same ground where one year before, the Union army was defeated. They then sent reeling in retreat to Washington. This battle resulted in a Union defeat.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    On September 17, 1862, The Battle of Antietam (or Sharpsburg), Maryland, occurred. This battle is known as the bloodiest single day of the Civil War. The battle resulted with General Lee's first invasion of the North. Following the Union victory, President Lincoln then introduced the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order that freed every slave in the Confederate States.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect. Applauded by many abolitionists including Frederick Douglass, others who felt it did not go far enough to totally abolish slavery.
  • Drafting of Military soldiers in North

    Drafting of Military soldiers in North
    Conscription, or the drafting of soldiers into military service, begins in the North. It had begun in the South the year before.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    The Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia takes place. General Lee's greatest victory was marred by the mortal wounding of "Stonewall" Jackson, who died on May 10. Soon after, Lee asked Jefferson Davis for permission to invade the North and take the war out of Virginia.
  • Siege of Vickburg

    Siege of Vickburg
    The Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi begins. The Union forced under General Ulysses S. Grant attack Confederate defenses outside the city on May 19-22.
  • Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    The gruesome Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The bloodiest battle of the Civil War dashes Robert E. Lee's hopes for a successful invasion of the North.
  • Battle of Brandy Station

    Battle of Brandy Station
    The Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia takes place. The Union cavalry forces crossed the Rapidan River to attack General J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry and discover that Lee's men are moving west toward the Shenandoah Valley. The largest cavalry battle of the Civil War, it also marks the beginning of the Gettysburg Campaign.
  • Draft Riots in NY

    Draft Riots in NY
    Draft Riots begin in New York City and elsewhere as disgruntled workers and laborers, seething over the draft system that seemingly favors the rich, attack the draft office and African American churches. The riots continue through July 16.
  • Battle of Second Winchester

    Battle of Second Winchester
    The Battle of Second Winchester,Virginia occurs. Confederate troops under General Richard Ewell defeat Union troops under General Robert Milroy, clearing the Shenandoah Valley of Union forces.
  • Siege of Chattanooga

    Siege of Chattanooga
    September into November 1863, The Siege of Chattanooga, Tennessee takes place. Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg surround the occupied city. General Ulysses S. Grant is assigned to command the troops there and begins immediate plans to relieve the besieged Union army. November 24th, the official battle takes place.
  • Mine Run Campaign

    Mine Run Campaign
    From November 26-December 1, 1863, The Mine Run Campaign happens. Meade's Army of the Potomac marches against Lee's Army of Northern Virginia south of the Rapidan River, east of Orange Court House. After several days of probing the defenses, Meade withdraws north of the Rapidan and goes into winter quarters.
  • Escape From Libby Prison

    Escape From Libby Prison
    In Richmond, after weeks of digging, 109 Union officers made their escape from the notorious Libby Prison, the largest and most sensational escape of the war. Though 48 of the escapees were later captured and two drowned, 59 were able to make their way into Union lines.
  • Union Capture and Occupation of Meridian

    Union Capture and Occupation of Meridian
    In Mississippi, Union forces under William T. Sherman enter the city of Meridian, Mississippi after a successful month of campaigning through the central part of the state. The capture of this important southern town, well known for its industry and storage capabilities, severely hampers the efforts of Confederate commanders to sustain their armies in the deep south, Georgia and west of the Mississippi River.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Appointed Lieutenant General

    Ulysses S. Grant Appointed Lieutenant General
    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general, a rank revived at the request of President Lincoln. Grant assumes command of all Union Armies in the field the following day.
  • Red River Campaign Begins

    Red River Campaign Begins
    The Red River Campaign begins. As part of an overall Union strategy to strike deep into various parts of the Confederacy, a combined force of army and navy commands under General Nathaniel Banks begins a campaign on the Red River in Louisiana.
  • Battle of Sabine Crossroads

    Battle of Sabine Crossroads
    Battle of Sabine Crossroads or Mansfield, Louisiana, the first major battle of the Red River Campaign in Louisiana.
  • Battle of Pleasant Hill

    Battle of Pleasant Hill
    In Louisiana, the Union Army under Banks defeats the attempt by Confederate forces under General Richard Taylor to drive them out of Louisiana. Unfortunately, the result of the campaign would be less than desired as it drew to a close in the first week of May with Confederates still in firm control of most of the state.
  • Battle of Resaca

    Battle of Resaca
    In Georgia, General Sherman's armies are blocked at Resaca by General Johnston's Army of Tennessee. After two days of maneuvering and intense fighting, Johnston withdraws. Sherman will advance but take precautions against ordering any further massed assaults where high casualties may occur.
  • Atlanta Campaign

    Atlanta Campaign
    With three Union armies under his command, General William T. Sherman marched south from Tennessee into Georgia against the Confederate Army of Tennessee under General Joseph Johnston, the objective being the city of Atlanta.
  • Battle of Yellow Tavern

    Battle of Yellow Tavern
    Six miles north of Richmond, Confederate cavalry under General J.E.B. Stuart blocked a force of Union cavalry under General Philip Sheridan. General Stuart was mortally wounded during the encounter.
  • Abe Lincoln Nominated for Second Term

    Abe Lincoln Nominated for Second Term
    Abraham Lincoln is nominated by his party for a second term as president.
  • Battle of Peachtree Creek,

    Battle of Peachtree Creek,
    Battle of Peachtree Creek, Georgia, the first major battle around the city of Atlanta. General Hood sends his army out of the city's defenses to attack the approaching Federal troops under George Thomas. After several hours of fierce fighting, Hood withdrew back to his own defensive works.
  • The Battle of Atlanta

    The Battle of Atlanta
    The Battle of Atlanta. Hood's second effort to throw back Union forces under Sherman brings him heavy casualties with no positive results. General James McPherson, commander of the Union Army of the Tennessee, is killed during the fighting.
  • Battle of Ream's Station

     Battle of Ream's Station
    Battle of Ream's Station, near Petersburg, Virginia. A surprise Confederate counterattack briefly stopped Union destruction of the Weldon Railroad near Ream's Station, though failed to release the Union grip on this important supply line into Petersburg.
  • Third Battle of Winchester

    Third Battle of Winchester
    Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia. Union forces under General Philip Sheridan attacked the Confederate army under Jubal Early near the city of Winchester and drove them southward, up the Shenandoah Valley.
  • Assault and capture of Fort Fisher

    Assault and capture of Fort Fisher
    Assault and capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Union occupation of this fort at the mouth of the Cape Fear River closes access to Wilmington, the last southern seaport on the east coast that was open to blockade runners and commercial shipping.
  • Sherman's Army leaves Savannah

    Sherman's Army leaves Savannah
    Sherman's Army leaves Savannah to march through the Carolinas.
  • Sherman's Army captures Columbia

    Sherman's Army captures Columbia
    Sherman's Army captures Columbia, South Carolina while Confederate defenders evacuate Charleston, South Carolina.
  • President Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated

    President Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated
    President Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated for his second term as president in Washington, DC.
  • Sherman's Army occupies NC

    Sherman's Army occupies NC
    Sherman's Army occupies Fayetteville, North Carolina.
  • The Battles of Averasborough and Bentonville NC

     The Battles of Averasborough and Bentonville NC
    The Battles of Averasborough and Bentonville, North Carolina. Sherman's army is stalled in its drive northward from Fayetteville but succeeds in passing around the Confederate forces toward its object of Raleigh.
  • The Battle of Five Forks VA

    The Battle of Five Forks VA
    The Battle of Five Forks, Virginia. The Confederate defeat at Five Forks initiates General Lee's decision to abandon the Petersburg-Richmond siege lines.
  • The Battle of Sailor's Creek VA

    The Battle of Sailor's Creek VA
    The Battle of Sailor's Creek, Virginia. A portion of Lee's Army- almost one-third of it- is cornered along the banks of Sailor's (or "Saylor's") Creek and annihilated.
  • President Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    President Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
    President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC. On the same day, Fort Sumter, South Carolina is re-occupied by Union troops.
  • Final Battle of Civil War

    Final Battle of Civil War
    The final battle of the Civil War takes place at Palmito Ranch, Texas. It is a Confederate victory.
  • Texas Repeals

    Texas Repeals
    Texas repeals the actions of the Secessionist Convention
  • President Johnson vetos Civil Rights Act

    President Johnson vetos Civil Rights Act
    President Johnson vetos the Civil Rights Act of 1866 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional
  • Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson'

    Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson'
    Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act
  • Cholera epidemic NY

    Cholera epidemic NY
    Cholera epidemic begins in New York when an infected passenger arrives in New York.
  • Thirty-ninth Congress approves the 14th Amendment

    Thirty-ninth Congress approves the 14th Amendment
    Thirty-ninth Congress approves the 14th Amendment to the Constitution
  • Connecticut approves the 14th Amendment

    Connecticut approves the 14th Amendment
    Connecticut approves the 14th Amendment
  • New Hampshire ratifies the 14th Amendment

    New Hampshire ratifies the 14th Amendment
    New Hampshire ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Congress overrides Andrew Johnson's veto

    Congress overrides Andrew Johnson's veto
    Congress overrides Andrew Johnson's veto of the Freedman's Bureau bill
  • Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment. This quick ratification meant Tennessee would not suffer under 2nd Reconstruction
  • Congress Establishes "general of the armies"

    Congress Establishes "general of the armies"
    Congress establishes "general of the armies" and Ulysses S. Grant is immediately promoted to 4-star general and put in this position. William Tecumseh Sherman assumes the rank of Lt. General.
  • Virginia rejects the 14th Amendment

    Virginia rejects the 14th Amendment
    Virginia rejects the 14th Amendment
  • Blacks in Washington D. C. Can Vote

    Blacks in Washington D. C. Can Vote
    Blacks in Washington D. C. gain the right to vote in a bill passed over President Andrew Johnson's veto
  • New York ratifies the 14th Amendment

    New York ratifies the 14th Amendment
    New York ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Kansas ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Kansas ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Kansas ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Pennsylvania ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Pennsylvania ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Pennsylvania ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Illinois ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Illinois ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Illinois ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • West Virginia ratifies the 14th Amendment

    West Virginia ratifies the 14th Amendment
    West Virginia ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Michigan ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Michigan ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Michigan ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Minnesota ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Minnesota ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Minnesota ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Maine ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Maine ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Maine ratifies the 14th Amendment